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Isn't peen-kun an absolute cutie???

And yes, he's wearing cat ears. ~mew 

=^● ⋏ ●^=



Koneko Toujou Is My Waifu

I love your mommy content. It's by far my favorite of all your asmr. I so hope they leave you alone. And also I love your site I go there all the time to check on if anything is new. Best wishes~


He jingles, and he jangles! Hi fam! That's more or less what I expected from pizza hutt. And I mean, yeah.... you do fetishize the relationship. But you're right... no more so than the fetishizing of ddlg. Darn culture roles, ruining our pr0nz. *noncommittal grumbly noises about vtube* I know I am in the singular minority again here. But yeah... you're already fending off burnout. As your friend it really concerns me when I know your feeling the burn and then turn around and start heaping new things onto your plate. Please take care of yourself Skitty. An over worked Skitty is no good. I honestly would suggest and encourage a holiday with none of us. Just Skitty recharge your batteries! You can tell us all about it when you get back. Flutterskitty? Skittershy? Not that I watch the show or anything... but she's the only one who can talk to all the animals and she has a bunny side kick. So fitting for skits. I'm glad I am not the only one to hear the inuendo in "Skitty wants to blow her patreons" and "Skitty's good at holding her breath". Takes a lewdster to know one I guess. *hugs* stay awesome as always. New Artoo pics soon!


I would like to see what things you could use a vtube character for but also don't want you to get burned out, so if you feel you can handle all the extra work go for it! Glad to hear that Mommy content might get a comeback even if it will be "step" in the future, it is one of my personal faves c: I hope the Fluttershy-skitty will become public, could bring alot of hilarious lines :)


I'd rather you use the patreon mons to get away for a week or two. I know you like to hang at home, but getting out there and experiencing something new or just recharging can make a lot of difference in the content you provide. It's very audible when you're inspired and energetic! I connect so much better to the audio then :) Speaking of vacations... I need a vacation :nekobleh:


I'll be careful. Vacation alone? Aw. It's hard not to think of you guys. And no idea if Fluttershy has a bunny sidekick. I just know she's the yellow/pink one. She's cute though.


I dunno how funny MLP skitty would be. I don't say very much. But it would be cool to see. I'm curious too :3


Trust me, I'd love to vacation. Maybe once covid and travel restrictions lift. Maybe we can trade countries. :3


The in-the-moment quality of your rainy audios far outweighs any issues with quiet, for me anyway. I like that it feels like I'm hanging out with Skitty, and pre-recorded rain would kill that vibe :)


Btw i recomend you going to the beach or just a small vacation, weather you bring us along or not. I was listening to this on the beach myself <3


Happy too hear that you are doing fine. I'm glad this week has offered a nice rest for you too. So many rules to post porn in internet, eh? Is exhausting only listening all the legal terminology and all that. I'm sorry, but is really funny that adding step- to everything, the problems go away suddenly XD I liked the strong rain in your last audio. I worked a little bit with the volume in the heavy rain part, to be able to understand it better, and I found it all right. Maybe because is rare to listen to such a constant and heavy rain here. You can't please everyone, so don't worry too much about it. Is nice to want to be able to improve your audios, but don't get too preoccupied with the negative reviews. Specially if the only think they do is to complain about a specific thing from the audio, without mentioning anything more. I'm curious about the vtuber model, by the way. I will like to see how you are going to use it, if you decide to go for it. But as others have said, don't add new works to your back. Skitty needs to be healthy and fine, always. Thank you for sharing the ramble. Hope everything goes well next week for you. Take care. PS. Peen-kun is really photogenic. I'm jealous :P


Once again jelly of peen-kun for how much attention he's getting. 😭 With a rain separate track, you wouldn't be able to simulate very well the rain shift from ear to ear when one ear is being nommed. Live recording can never be perfect and it's a trade-off for authenticity and I liked it that way. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Authentic grumbles and neighbors banging. Hehe. Step-Skitty incoming?! ಠ◡ಠ With the VTube model, you could be doing just rambles, and would be cool. Though there is a new free visual novel on Steam. NEKOPARA - Catboys Paradise. You can go there on vacation with your VTube model. :3 20-second pony moaning audio for someone... Is not me. So jelly. 😭 Also Skitty Pony VTube model when? :Bunosip:


I'm fine being crazy for liking Skitty =] Loved how your voice changed when getting frustrated with pornhub. "So tell me what I'm supposed to do" lol. So cute when you get angy. Beach vacation with Skitty though!? :nekopls: I don't really see you streaming on twitch with your new vtuber model. Not that I don't want to but for the same reasons you mentioned. Would be cool to use it for your rambles or updates, and other less formal content. The occasional ASMR video on YouTube with model would be sweet too. Have fun with family tomorrow. Or today?


Full volume asmr is the best!! It makes it louder than all my white noise and makes it feel inside my ear, rather than next to my ear.


It better be a step- family or else... !!! 🧐 *Shakes PH fist*


I loved the rainy audio. The pitter patters didn't bother me at all but then again I love rain sounds then mix in your voice and I melt into total relaxation.... So thank you for the rainy audio.


Thank you. Next time I think I'll keep the windows closed. It should soften the rain a little. :)


Rain was pelting on us this week. It was quite satisfying. Especially when we got a loud boom!! Loved it. I'll update you all about the model as it progresses along. Right now it's a bit of waiting, which is fine because I'm in no rush. We'll just go with the flow :3


Listening to you talk about the Vtuber model got me thinking again...I don't think you would necessarily need to do Twitch to get the most out of it per say, especially since it's not something you're completely comfortable with, BUT it could be super immersive for a RP audio!


Recording rain as a separate track is a decent plan, but I do like you doing it live too. Also I listen at "full" volume to the extent it won't blow out my headphones, usually because everything is so quiet that to even process the sound I need it loud. That said I loved the loud rain, it was nice, and Skitty was very cuddly. I've heard that the hub of Pron is quite good for customer service, unlike most online services. Apparently implied incest = not okay. But if it's non-blood relation it's 100% fine. >.> That said at least they offered to let you ask them to clarify what's a-ok to say. Weirdly didn't think about that but yeah lot of "daddy" content is just fine, wut do. You don't have to start streaming Skitty, and I agree I tried to do the whole gaming on Youtube thing and it's for extroverts for sure. I feel like there's ways to utilize the Vtube model. Watch out for seagulls they'll try and eat your mic! But being stuck at home with Skitty sounds wonderful, just saying ;)


A good, jingling Peen-kun....kinda lewd, kinda adorbs. Pain on the ears, is part of the ASMR experience....right? 100% AUTHENTIC SKITTY AUDIOS.....I like that brand :) Have fun with your fam jam :3 Noooo, your Pornhub stuffs. Youtube is the worst for response stuff. I've reported videos for various reasons, and only get "canned" responses. So.....go with step-skitty children? And the audial response of not blood related at some point? I can't be your child if I'm older then you lol You can't lewd peen-kun, that's just wrong :S Wish I had a model to play with.... :p I say do what you like/love. I back anything you do, to the best of my ability/financial situation allows. But yeah, I agree, spending money into something you wouldn't use often, doesn't sound like a good idear. Seriously, I'll live vicariously through you, when you go on vacation. Last vacation I went on was to visit a great grandmother....in the 90s when I was barely in double digits. It was a small town, where there was nothing for a kid like me to do. That holding breath thing....yeah, lewd thoughts ahoy ;) Skitty pony. Interesting. What would be your MLP mark? I kind want you to do another short song audio again, like I requested back in the earlier days of your Patreon. Drinking lots of water. Finally had guests over yesterday, my friends, for a board game day. It was great, miss those butts. Then I wake up today, sore throat, phlemy, have a cough....those dicks got me sick. So hydrating, and keep additional distance from folks.

Senpai Dio

Just imagining you actually taking peen-kun somewhere and just a kid is like- “Mom I want a stuffie like that!” The mom looks over and just is like- 😳 and grabs their son and runs off.

Varryance Preez

i check your site quite commonly. :( and tbh i love those audios, i'd hate to see PH dismantle its feel for the sake of people's inability to understand fantasy... no one's allowed to just fantasize on the internet without people think it's real life crap. :( I hope you find a good spot for your audios, but i do love the site and would love to see "censor free" versions there if possible. i hate how much the fun police have taken over T_T


First thing I notice and immediately focus on is, hey wait, I have that same blanket! And it’s super comfy! And thus began bedtime.