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It's been a few years since I've taken the Myer-Briggs personality test, and I decided to see if my personality has changed.

Wanna take the test? https://www.16personalities.com/free-personality-test
Take it with a grain of salt, and remember, all personalities have positive qualities. 💕

PS. Vampire Skitty was released the other day. If you missed it, there is now a playlist with almost 2 hours of roleplay back-to-back.




Skitty: 😈 Also Skitty: 🐱


Took one a few months ago and got ISFJ-T. Reading through it, it made sense to me. 🤷🏻‍♂️

Bleak Briar

I've always looked at these kinds of tests the same way I do horoscopes, very generic and vague to increase the chance it will resonate with someone. Maybe I'm just kinda basic though, because my result (intp) is a spot on description for me....


I'm kinda curious now. I should read a random personality and see how well it still fits me.


Hey, I got ISFJ-T Defender too :D *introverted fist bump*


Have U seen Adam conovers video on the Myers Briggs test its origin is really weird also ♥️ you skitty my first comment for you also I got ISTP-T


I haven't done it a pretty long time. I ended up with Adventurer ISFP-A/T. it was overall pretty accurate (?) so it was fun, and I'm curious how much validity it has.


I got Advocate INFJ-T. Seems to fit pretty well, never took one of these before.


I like how in the first few minutes you nail one of the huge issues with these sorts of tests. If your answers vary by the hour . . .it's hardly your definitive personality, ya know? Stronk Skitty made me lol. I think our questions are in different orders, huh. . . .interesting. Elementary School Skitty . . . I don't know why but something about the image of this I have in my head is adorable. Lazy Skitty . . .rofl. you like to pretend, it's cute. looking up spoils while I'm sharing classic movies with you. QQ T.T :C Yes. We will gladly listen to your ramble for hours and hours. You take your time. There's a second issue with these sorts of tests. Highly subjective. Depends hard on the context. Work first, play second. Work hard so you can play harder. Isekai Skitty? Naptime can be . . . a group activity . . .here, come to bed. . . teddy will show you. ENFJ here. Interesting, you and I both got NFJ, but you got I and I got E . . . that's honestly about what I would've expected knowing us. And your Dom listeners thank you.


I got INTJ-A time to pump iron like Arnold and move to Mars like Elon before I took the test twice and I got ISTJ-A the first time and INTJ-A the second


first time trying one of these. my computer randomly crashed the first time but I ran through and gave the same/similar answers so don't know how accurate it will be. I got INFJ-A, a interesting personally. most things I read from it can say I relate to. It was interesting and fun! thanks skitty for the interactive ramble and love hearing your rambles.


I got ENTP! It was nice to take the test again, I almost forgot about it since it’s been so long, but looks like I got the same result as last time ^_^


Oh man there is so much reading for these profiles. I think it would be interesting as well to pick a different one to see how well it can also describe you. I'll do that later. In the past I've been an INTJ and INFJ but this time I got the same as you, Defender buddies! I'm only barely (51%) observant though, so, close to still being an N vs S. I think we only had like 40% of the same questions so I want to take this again and see what other questions I get and if the result is different. This was fun, thanks for the long ramble.


I often get introspective whenever I daydream which, funny enough, I do a lot of as well lol. So I'm always interested in my results whenever I do these tests. That being said, ISTJ reporting in once again despite the number of times I've done this in the past. Why do I get excited for these again? :P Anyways, appreciate the long ramble! They always make the work day seem shorter


I'm 49% INFP and 51% INTP. I wonder if that's (IN*P) common among Asperger's-gifted individuals, because the 2 or 3 besides myself that I know are also IN*P. The Briggs-Meyers test, along with a 3-hour Human Design evaluation, have helped me a lot in understanding why I react the way I do to certain situations. If any of you have the resources to spare and know someone who does Human Design evals (mine cost $300,which I consider well-spent. It was in Sedona, where I was living at the time. ) , I encourage it. I'll post a link to a free personal report if it's OK with Skitty.


Good to know the tests have helped you with self-awareness. :) If by free personal report, you mean a link to a free test, sure. If you mean your own personal report, I would say no for your own safety. I don't think you mean the latter, but clarifying just in case.


Cuz self-reflection is cool. Also it's extra nice when there's a report at the end that says flattery things about you :3 hehe Glad I got to keep you company at work. <3


I haven't, but yeah, it has a buncha criticisms even within the psych community. Still fun to do though :)


I'm sure it has some validity, but I wouldn't change my whole outlook on life over a simple test. But yes, super fun. :)


Yeah it's a free online thing. More like a horoscope than an interactive test though. This link goes to the interpretation page, and the link to get your chart is near the top of the page. https://human.design/chart-reports/free


Registration needed but I just used a burner address for it so I don't know or care if they sell the "personal" info. Make sure you use your real birthday and first name though.


Star Wars is spoiled for me, but I'ma try and make it to the May 4th viewing! Maybe 2021 will finally be the year I watch the original triology!


I had to look up what the -A/T traits were. Unfamiliar with those letters, but -A seems to be a good stable trait. 👍


I can see you as a Ravenclaw. And now I kinda wanna take a test and see which house I'd be sorted into ...*slides into Slytherin* >:) I think you're right on the bit about generic descriptions. They probably don't want to make it too specific.


I remember flip-flopping between introvert and extrovert with numbers like 49:51. It's kinda nice to know we're graded on a scale instead of definitive categories. :)


I had to take this for a few classes a couple years ago and was pleasantly surprised by my result. And to this day it's still the same one.. INTJ-T. Being supposedly supposedly rarest and Architect of the other 16.


So I'm pretty sure the last time I did one of these I got either INFP or INTP, but this time I got ISFP: an Adventurer. Apparently the past year kinda changed my personality somewhat, interesting. Not super confident this is correct but some things hit the mark, one in particular cracked me up. "Adventurers may be shy in public, but alone with a partner they trust, the masks come off – few people get to see this side, and it’s always a pleasant surprise." NOT UNTRUE XD


Never took 1 of these before, but got the, "Entertainer ESFP-A" personality. ARE YOU NOT ENTERTAINED!!! *headpats*


Maybe your answers have always bordered around the 50 percentages, so you flip-flop with some of your traits. It also happens with mine. Aw, I like that shy quirk. I think we're all a lil bit like that.


Taking the test again, as I was inspired to by reading others' reports of changes, I find that I'm a solid INFP (75% or so F) - 49% Assertive 51% Turbulent - the Mediator. Quite accurate.


I’m a debater apparently. Makes sense


Hi, I've been studying personality type stuff since I was in high school, and always have to interject. My advice would be to not rely on tests too much. Answers change too much based on recent experiences. Ask yourself some questions instead. The introversion/extroversion scale deals with energy, and where it is obtained. Extroverts gain energy from interaction with others. When they spend too much time alone they can end up thinking out loud, or their thoughts can become more like conversations. Introverts gain energy within their own thoughts and feelings, and need time alone to recharge. Social interaction can be draining for them. It is possible to be a shy or reserved extrovert. It is also possible to be a sociable introvert. What you have to ask yourself is where the energy lies for you. To use myself as an example, I'm slightly extroverted and only really gain energy from conversations with close friends and family. Only people on the far end of extroversion gain energy from small talk with strangers/acquaintances. People on the far end of introversion find conversations with their close friends draining, and need some alone time afterwards. I've gotten to the point now where I can type characters in shows pretty quickly. After listening to some of your audios I'd put you down as an ESFJ, but that could just be because you have to extrovert to converse in your audios. I think that degree of interaction comes too naturally to you for you to be an introvert, but I could be wrong. I've already rambled too long. Let me know if you want me to cover the N/S scale if that will help you.