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With MTAC a mere four days away, I've been scrambling to get organized, cut out (hundreds and hundreds of) stickers, and finish these gems in time. @-@ I'm currently pulling my hair out over how to color Garnet. Opinions? Do you have a favorite of the variations I've made so far? (She's the red/black one with hips for days.) And tomorrow, I'll be working on the delayed Dark Gold page (and hopefully finishing my Izzi cosplay?)! :D Sorry for disruption in the schedule. ^^'




In order of preference: C, B, A. Best of luck with all of the projects. Wish I could catch you at MTAC, but, alas, work demands my being there. :/


I shall toast in your honor! I can definitely understand the struggle. I haven't been to a convention other than *for work* in many a moon. It's sort of bittersweet being there but missing out on most of the actual con...but it's not so bad. Still get to see costumes and usually pop into the rave long enough to remember how awkward I am at raves! :D I hope you'll be able to make your way to a convention sometime, though! ^u^ And thanks for the feedback!