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I've attached a zip file to this update with a text document and a few pictures describing the worlds and the general state of things. Please bear in mind everything is very much still in flux and needs naming and detail work. Works in progress. :D If you have any feedback, questions or ideas - feel totally welcome to pass them along! I really like hearing from people, even if ultimately a suggestion leads me down the opposite path than what was suggested. It's soooo helpful just to get ideas bouncing around and realize other perspectives. ^u^ If your question or my answer is too spoiler-heavy to post, we can just upload them as pictures to imgur and link to them. Or something similar - whatever works best for you. =)




I pictured Princess Bubblegum when you mentioned the Queen. XD The PS is what I have questions about, but you said you'd explain more next post so I'll wait, cuz you'll probably answer my questions once you post. Other then that I can picture what you've said. :D