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IM ON TIME! Can you believe I actually set a deadline for myself and actually kept it😭 Anyways heres chapter 2🥰  I’ll try my best to keep an uploading schedule every Monday (unless it’s a long chapter which I’ll probably split into 2 parts) and some in between Patreon exclusive posts if I can but I also don’t wanna spoil anything so probably time lapses of past pages!😭 

Next chapter will also be relatively SFW but by chapter 3 we’ll get into the usual nudity and heavy smut in even later chapters :3 

I really hope you guys like it so far! Love you all!😭💖💖




I CAN'T EVEN AAAAH beautiful I love how soft Ren is AAaaa He's so lost with what to do (it's easy just spoil him rotten) Beautiful as always!