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Finally! Your wait is over and just about a few hours earlier than scheduled (I have to spend quite a bit of time to prepare for the release of DHTG S2 Chapter 9 in store after this), here's the first 40 page update for Donating Height to Goddess Season 2 Chapter 10!

We are not getting directly into conflict yet, but you can probably tell it is starting to brew between the two titans, you know, I always love a good tease!

By a very early estimation, which is totally not accurate, we will see another chapter of more than 300 pages of goodies with 40 pages update each week on Sunday, as usual so be prepared for a long ride!

For now, hope you enjoy this new update!

Next week, aside from the weekly update on DHTG, we will also be seeing some more updates from The Chamber of Absorption, which I plan to progress until right before the shrinking that will take place (growing will be next!), and I have something else in mind that I might secretly start working on next week as well, will share a little more when I get something solid!

Thank you all so much for supporting me!




The air is rife with tension, however I don't think Daisy is particularly phased by Madison's attempts at intimidation!


I already want to see next posts.. 😩 next sunday is so far


yep...I do want to see why Daisy get chance to grow? But I do hope the reason is not she met the last goddness since it is boring a little

Valkyrie Cain

Very interesting beginning. Daisy is acting curiously. She at once seems bigger than Madison and smaller. I can't tell if the psychological effect of being dominated all week by Madison has sunk so deep that she still wants to please her of if she is just playing along. It makes me consider how Daisy and Madison started out before the growth. Madison already had a chip on her shoulder and a desire to be big or at least she was very frustrated with her life. Daisy seemed carefree and kind and was just along for the experiment. I think the growth has changed both of them but where they started seems to be reflected in how it changed them. It makes me unsure what Daisy will do. Like even though she was stepping on Yang I don't get the malicious glee that Madison gives. I'm not saying she doesn't enjoy being big and domineering but she still seems relatively carefree and relaxed. Just like the whole thing is just fun for her. Madison relishes it so completely and takes any threat to her superiority super seriously. Madison trying to establish dominance after looking back on how she turned the tables on Kelsie was great and a relevant allusion. She was actually still shorter than Kelsie in barefeet and noticeably thinner. The same seems to be true for Daisy now so the question of her strength hangs in unspoken subtext like an elephant in the room. Also the hesistance of the others to listen to Madison really calls her power into question like they want to hear what Daisy says first. There is so much tension and barely anyone has done anything. It's fantastic. Honestly I think Daisy isn't like Madison but she is capable of effectively exuding dominance. Maybe she is giving Madison a chance because she is still kind? I don't know but the next updates can't come soon enough


Daisy's personality is still too gentle, wish someone could tell her or she could understand that she is now tall and strong enough to take the ruling power from Madison! You've been a goddess for so long, and now it's time for a change!


Add a little domineer to Daisy, she is the real perfect goddess, she knows how to endure, not to take care of things beyond her ability, this shows that she is very smart; On the contrary, Madison is not good at anything except domineering and luck. If Daisy finally overthrows Madison's rule, it really completes a story of being ruled to becoming a ruler.


All hail Madison 🙌🏼🫠


nice job with the flashbacks


Thank you! I am trying very hard to make this chapter suspenseful since its pretty boring to just have a winner right away, so no spoilers ;)) Daisy seem quite chilled despite slowly gaining height behind the glory of Madison, but she certainly doesn't seem to be very surprised by it as you normally would if you suddenly shoot over the 7 feet mark and become an amazon! And as you said very accurately, Madison knew what she had to do to claim her throne of power, and it was something she didn't knew she would enjoy this much, and would do anything to prevent it from being stolen. There is still a lot of pages to go for this chapter, but it will soon all be revealed as we get to the middle (probably not the next update but the one after) you will see how all of their behaviours would suddenly make sense


She seems too gentle but she does show very small moments of power, back when she throatlifted Myrina or stepping on Yang, or playing with Kelsie between her thighs. Perhaps she was doing this for a reason ;)


Thank you! Glad you enjoyed that, came up with it just a page before and thought it would be quite appropriate considering this is the second last chapter of them all :)

Valkyrie Cain

Curiouser and curiouser. I feel Kate's hand in this. I wonder if she used Madison's innate insecurities which she knew would lead her to go so full tilt in her dominating when she outgrew everyone only to pull the rug out from under her last second and really test how much she "deserves" the new size? I don't know who I want to win but it was exciting seeing Madison looking up at someone for once and being stunned into silence. Daisy easily exuding power was great. I didn't think I'd be interested in Daisy growing bigger but she is so immediately compelling now and I feel she is holding most of my interest suddenly and effortlessly.