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Checking herself against the height board behind, standing just over 6 feet in height, the woman's eyes widened as she noticed Kate's towering figure approaching her, casually asserting her dominance with her size and directing her to move herself off the board, as she was simply too short to reach the markers above.

What are they working towards exactly? We will find out, soon enough! Giving it a bit more of a story start than Growing Appetite this time, I hope you enjoy!!

You can watch the next update of Shape UP Fitness in 4K down below:



I gotta say, the one down side of doing animation every single day is that my computer is struggling to keep up! Haha! It's been cutting it close to rendering up to 30 seconds (720 frames) of updates every two days but we are getting there and we are making big progress in all of the projects!

Check back in on Thursday for another update of The Game of Expansion, as we witness whether Jess's massive, final growth spurt would be enough to claim back her win!

Thank you all so much for supporting me!!



Sam Droogan

I do enjoy story with my growth!