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Hello everyone, thanks for waiting, I would like to present to you the first part of the game about the character Kagami.

Since I spent most of January making 3D games (Still too short of time to make a 3D game), so I could only do Kagami games in a very short time, I tried my best to make a good game, mainly focusing on the content so that people can understand the world in this game.

Although it doesn't have many events for now but I will try to add them to the game in the next updates.

I hope you enjoy it, thanks for supporting me.

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Thanks for the hard work! 😄


I had fun playing the game. I look forward to your future updates.


Played trhough the demo, not sure if I missed any events or not. It wasn't bad but of course I have a couple critiques that hopefully might improve it. Though I do have compliments too. I liked that you included little details like cars driving in the city and I think you handled the event where you had to go to the store well in terms of telling the player where in the city it was. Though narrative wise it may be better to not allow the store to be accessible until that night, I'd already bought spices from there before that night, but made sure to go to it anyways because I figured there might be an event that wouldn't trigger if I didn't, and I was right. So if you're going to do that, then make it so you HAVE to go to teh store that night, otherwise people might just walk into the house with the spices and maybe glitch things. Granted I didn't try doing that so maybe you have some alternative event that happens instead for people who already bought the spices and I didn't see it. I noticed random battles spawned the first night even before I found the unconscious girl. I'd recommend making it so they can't start happening until after that cutscene as they almost act like a spoiler. Likewise after that night, random battles spawned during teh day too, and maybe they shouldnt until after the cutscene where the guy says that they're going have to start working through all hours of the day. It just makes things more consistent, and makes teh world feel a little more alive, There were a lot of days where you just got up, went to school, and came home with no events in between. I don't know if you'd sprinkled in hidden events during those days that I didn't find, but there seemed to be more days like that then there should have been from my perspective narrative wise. If you're going to use a per day narrative style, then each day should have at least one key main story event that MUST be completed before you canadvance to the next day. Otherwise it just seems wasted, or like people are missing something when they're not. You did do this for the other days which is good but there's was a good string of 2 or 3 of them where it seemed like nothing happened other than checking your computer and learning that there's no new info. It would be a good idea to change the dialogue of some of teh people you can talk to at school each day. Some of it could be random, some of it could be them commenting on current events, some of it could be random gameplay narrative stuff. Like for excample "hey my friend told me about this weird thing that happened the them teh other day, they went to this alley and ate a piece of bread and this crazy thing happened!" At which point the player might go try that and trigger an event, substitute any combination of map locations, items, actions, etc and you can get a good amount of variety. Random rumors can also help give the player hints of things they need to do or should investigate to move the story along, or they can just be fun. Hopefully some of this helps as you continue expanding this game!


Hi MacsquizzyGTS, thanks for playing the game, I would like to elaborate a bit on the events you mentioned: Shop Seasoning Event : Kagami won't want to enter the house even though you bought the spices from the day before, only when you go to the store and make the spice purchase again will she want to go home and an event will be fired. The reason I made random battles from day one, is because the city is always full of Lilliputian thugs and thieves and you'll find them if you go into alleys or places with few people. Also, I think the ideas change the dialogue of some of people, random rumors, add a few events on the days where the main story hasn't continued, these are good ideas and make the game more interesting . Thank you for your feedback, I will try to add the above suggestions to the game in upcoming updates. 😄


You're welcome, I didn't realize there was already a reason for there to be lilliputian gangs around. Especially after Kagami asks her friend if she thought a lilliputian could attack someone, it made it seem like this was something that was new, since it seemed so ridiculous to her friend. But if its a thing that is known to happen, maybe you'd want to change dialogue so it makes more sense. Its all up to you, I'm just glad I'm giving useful advice sometimes.


Yes, I will change the dialogue a bit, I also welcome ideas for the game and have received some interesting ideas that can be applied in the game, so don't be shy when you have an idea there, please tell me, thank you 😄

Darren van der Valk

MacsquizzyGTS nailed all the talking points I would've gone over so I won't reiterate them here. I did want to give a huge shoutout though to Macsquizzy as reading their review I was impressed at the level of detail they went into. Took the words right out of my mou...uh keyboard! I will add that my main pain point was the day system got to the point of being tedious in its' design, seeing as they all essentially blurred into one. Its fine if there're new things to do but you want to be careful not to create a repetitive rhythm with no story progression. At that point it might become more annoying than what its actual intention might have been. In this case it might’ve been setting up the foundation of Kagami’s daily life. As I could get behind that, but I think it went on a little too long before things started picking up on the story beats. However, if you wanted to keep the mystery in the dark a bit longer then adding side events and interesting activities to do each day would go a long way in helping remove the drag and monotony. I know this is essentially a beta and with that it means there's still a lot to add to the game. Not to mention the limited time you had to work on this, so I'm incredibly grateful that you were able to get this out in such a timely manner. For what was delivered it was solid and I can only imagine what you'll achieve on this given more time. I do always enjoy your works and from what I've seen so far, I'm both curious and excited to see what's to come!


Oh wow! It's been a while since checking back to this post but it's amazing to see macsquizzygts breaking down the game issues and improvements, wholeheartedly agree with all the points and Darren's elaboration on the pacing , I can't do much more than give a like to both of you 😅 I am not sure if this might be a good addition but I was wondering during the section where her friend unfortunately ditches her for other stuff and she says that she wants to lay in bed all day or go shopping, I was hoping that we would be able to do the latter and see more of the town before heading back. Maybe more conversation opportunities with the town's residents? 🤔


Thank you Darren, I will try to add more details to the game during the day and night xD


Yes, I do plan to add people in the city, but time is running out so I've only completed part of the main plot, perhaps the next updates will be available. 😅


So this game ends after helping Shiro? Will there be other updates? Sorry, new subscriber here. How often are the updates?


Yes, the game will have more updates later, in the meantime you can try the secret games for Tier $15.


What should I do before entering home? And, it can sometimes get stuck during battle.


Can you tell me where you are and what in-game event you are participating in? Because the information you provided is not enough for me to know what you need to do next in the game.


Just at the very beginning after school, after taking bus back home, I found I cannot enter the house and told me that it's too early to go home.


You need to go around the city before going home, in the process of going into the city you will discover something.