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Just wanted to share a bit of a WIP with you guys. Something to come after Sociopathic 9. Many of you will probably recognize what this is from. :)



Derps McGerps

Even though shrinking isn't entirely my cup of tea, body exploration is the one thing I enjoy from it and you did it really well with Personal Alarm Clock.


This looks stunning. But what I am even *more* excited about, is the teaser for new Voyeuristic that you posted on DA. That was my absolute favorite work of yours, so I'm incredibly happy you are looking to make a sequel! Overall though, hoping you just work on things *you* would like to do - lately it kind of felt you are under constant pressure to deliver on a backlog of works, which might get demotivating or straight up unhealthy. Take care of yourself!


Thanks again, as on DA! And no worries. I definitely love working on these projects, especially the ones where I get to explore good lighting and composing great shots. Voyeuristic 2 is going to be fun to work on for sure. In the past my biggest demotivators have been stuff happening in real life. But things have changed a lot for me recently, so I'm much more motivated to work now.