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Hey guys! Thanks for the support, as usual! The comic is almost ready. I will be putting the finishing touches and finalizing the story in the next couple of days. It should be out either on Tuesday or Wednesday. I'll send out the links as soon as I'm done.

And stay safe!




How many pages is it going to be?


She look so stunning :) I think she's also a bit taller ;)

Zachary P (rabidsquirrel44)

I swear, this comic could go on forever and I wouldn’t even complain. Also, at the beginning of this story I thought Kate was easily the hotter one of the two but something about these last two chapters have made me completely fall in love with Hannah lol

Bell Deng

Something EPIC is on the way

Derps McGerps

That's definitely a huge Hannah in the reflection. The green topped building made an appearance last chapter, the girls were slightly shorter than it then and it looks like Hannah towers over it now. If it's her turn to be the bigger of the two, I'm definitely looking forward to seeing how she handles being the HBIC.


In part 9 there is an image of Hannah and Kate handling a bus, where you can see that the girls are already taller than this bulding ! Nonetheless, I also want to see Hannah in charge, even for a short while !


What a neat image! So nicely done!


Today is the big day! Are you planning to publish it soon?


Hey sorry, but looks like it's going to be tomorrow. Finalizing and editing some stuff, as well as re-rendering others.