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Yes its not what i should do for 2 months, but some problems and some blender issues did their job + i had to render it in not pretty fast way because the light in another engine were looks barbage asf so i also spend like ~60+ hours only for rendering T_T

So we got almost loop requested video here about briggie who being tested for her storage capabilities :)

! Some shitty sound included

MEGA - Mercy_Brigitte_tests 




That's amazingly hot


I wish the volume was a little louder


Think what I like about this is the implications. Also the thought process of if it was a slow progression of growth intervals or just big burst of growth. Then sloshing sounds are nicely done with the movements. Just phenomenal progression you have made with your animating skills! Hope to see you continue furthering yourself!


thank you! I would be very grateful if you could adjust the volume of your past works if you'd like.


This is absolutely incredible! Just 3 shots and Brig is already able to fill a room with her balls. Unfortunately for Brig the effects of those injections are looking rather permanent ;D No matter, Mercy still has to test the higher strength injections on her yet, let's hope that belt holds!


I’d love to see this from the beginning with her starting normal sized