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Sprites I did last month for "Lustful Desires"

and a WIP for what will have this month x) Silver Knight daddy <3




Silver Knight is my husband now, sorry Bernie.


Those orc feet 😳


You know, while I love seeing them in game and love them in color, the greyscale picture of the orc is just /fantastic/! It really highlights his msuculature in a way that the color version does not. Especially in such a dynamic moving pose! You do movement /really/ well, wow. It also highlights that he's really choking up on that club, which is awesome and does a great job of showing that he's consumed by rage (or well, consumed by something else :P )


woo thank you so much for that feedback man!! the greyscale was a fast painting practice using the Orc sketch x) I pretend to share more studies like that here! hehe