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Greetings Maiden Nation! This is your Maiden Commander speaking! We are so happy to finally be able to show you a preview of the new mode coming in the upcoming expansion League of Maidens "The Realm of Shadows" called Blitz Mode!!! We've been working hard to try and make the upcoming TROS expansion stand head over heels against our previous expansion. With that in mind we have decided to add a new gameplay mode for players to enjoy allowing even more opportunities to earn meaningful rewards. Please keep in mind that Blitz mode is just ONE of the new features coming in TROS!

Take a second to check out the preview photos of Blitz mode above and be sure to read below for more information. We figured players might have questions about the new mode and how it works so we've taken the time to put together this F.A.Q which will help to answer the most general questions about Blitz Mode. Please keep in mind that we are always open to hearing your suggestions and feedback and we are more than willing to answer any questions that you might have that are not addressed in the below F.A.Q. If you have any suggestions, feedback or questions please do not hesitate to post them in the comments below.


Blitz Mode is the newest mode added to League of Maidens which challenges players against waves of incoming enemy mobs and bosses. Players will be tasked with defeating the enemy/boss waves in the alloted time. Level 1 Blitz mode which will be available in the upcoming expansion will feature (6) waves with (3) boss encounters.


Completing Blitz mode will earn players "Dark Keys". These items can then be used to open the newly available Boss Crates coming in TROS. Boss crates are currently available for all OSOT and TROS bosses. Specifically the following:

The Sentinel Crate (OSOT)
The Watchman Crate (OSOT)
Queen Ar'Kanis Crate (TROS)
Shadow Ako/Iko Crate (TROS)

Each crate contains exclusive cosmetic rewards for players to earn. Please keep in mind that we do not force players into playing Blitz mode as this mode is one but not the only method of attaining Dark Keys. Blitz Mode simply offers players an hourly chance to earn even more Dark Keys.


Once players have completed the main quest line of The Realm of Shadows, Blitz mode will be available to play once per hour via desktop icon entry.


Properly geared players should be able to complete Blitz mode in anywhere from 8-12 minutes.


If a player runs out of time they will fail the Blitz mode attempt. Please keep in mind that Time Tickets have been improved to work with Blitz mode. Be sure to keep several on hand to bonus yourself some extra time if need be.


Not to worry, if a player dies in Blitz mode they are free to use the same revive system to continue their journey. Use a Death Contract or in-game currency to revive to get right back into the fight!


There are several things players can do to increase their chances of success in Blitz Mode. First, we highly encourage players to forge a T2 Gear Corruption set before attempting to complete the mode but we do not gate access based on Corruption level. Feel free to give it a shot and see how you progress!

Next, using items like the standard SP ticket, Rabbits Foot, Feral Essence will also be helpful along with a newly added item called "Dark Essence". One but not all of the benefits that Dark Essence will provide is an extra 10% bonus damage to Shadow Enemies which will definitely provide players with a boost while engaging in Blitz Mode.

As stated above, be sure to enter Blitz mode with some Time Tickets on hand. Time tickets have been updated to allow players to add 25 seconds of time to the Blitz mode timer just the same as they work for mission mode. Doing this will make it easy for you to avoid running out of time. Also as stated above be sure to keep several Death Contracts on hand incase you die while in Blitz mode. Using Death Contracts will allow players to avoid using in-game currency to revive after death.

Lastly, we suggest players familiarize themselves with both T1 and T2 Stronghold bosses (Queen Ar'Kanis and Shadow Ako/Iko) in The Realm of Shadows. Players will need to go up against these bosses while they advance from wave to wave in Blitz mode. Familiarizing yourself with the new mechanics of these Stronghold bosses will help tremendously to increase your chances of success. Also don't forget that the TROS update comes with new notifications that alert players of Stronghold Boss mechanics with suggestions on how to navigate them.


Blitz Mode is 100% FREE FOR ALL MAIDEN+ PREMIUM & HIGHER Patreon Subs. Not to worry, if you are not a premium account member accessing Blitz mode will be as easy as using in-game currency to enter. The cost for entry for Blitz mode works similarly to other in-game costs in LoM.


With the TROS expansion we are releasing Blitz Mode Level 1 for The Realm of Shadows. In the future we plan to release more levels and there is a possibility to open up Blitz mode levels in previous areas such as the Underground Sewers, Necropolis Desert and Freedom City. Please note that TROS will launch with Blitz Mode (Level 1) available in the Realm of Shadows only.


We have done our best to make Blitz mode accessible for our mid-to-high level players. Inexperienced players will get destroyed :D but mid-level players will have items available to help should they have any difficulties while playing the mode. Items like Death Contracts to revive from death, Time Tickets to add time and items to increase damage will be especially helpful. High level players will also be able to challenge themselves by going through pure runs (Blitz mode completion without items). The range of items available will allow players to choose their difficulty making it more accessible to more players. PRO-TIP: The Healing Posts R-Key skill is a life saver (literally) for boss fights.


None. Difficulty in Blitz mode is set to help maintain the speed run timer making all playthroughs equal. We will be introducing levels 2-4 of Blitz mode for TROS in future updates to increase difficulty for players looking for bigger challenges.


No, death in Blitz mode will not be subjected to the Ultra Hardcore death penalty.


Yes... lets just say... reach the last wave and you can thank us later... :D

Well that's it for now. As always gameplay modes and new features like this would have never been possible without the steadfast support of our amazing community. We THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH for your interest in playing League of Maidens and YOUR AMAZING SUPPORT which has helped us to accomplish so much for you to enjoy in the upcoming expansion. THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH MAIDEN NATION!!! <3 <3 <3

- Maiden Commander


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Revision: LoM v1.7.0a
Release Date: TBA 2023
Est. Completion: 94%
Patch Size: 155 Issues addressed

Review the build/patch/hotfix list below for a detailed list of resolved issues in the associated build/patch/hotfix.

Phase 2 of server migration

1 - Re-enable online Beauty album features (WORK COMPLETED!!! YAY!!!)

2 - Transition online beauty album functionality to use with new migrated server

3 - Album data (Title, Download count, ect.) to work with new migrated server

The Realm of Shadows expansion

1 - Implemented new map, players can now move to The Realm of Shadows map from... (wouldn't you like to know :D)

2 - Optimization fixes, post process for new map, and other changes to improve map appearance

3 - Implemented entrance for strongholds and the stronghold segments for players to run through

4 - Completed work to make enemy mobs functional

5 - Initial set up of stronghold bosses

6 - Added in ammo crates for strongholds, and other fixes to models in strongholds

7 - Updated the Player and Enemy spawn points when entering a Stronghold segment.

8 - 22 Realm of Shadows Stronghold segments have been added including (2) new Boss segments.

9 - 12 new enemy mob types have been added. (10) new enemy variations and (2) brand new mob types with unique mechanics.

10 - The first (2) new outfits have been completed for TROS!!! EXCITING!!!

11 - Work on the new melee type has been completed!!! We can't wait to show you a preview!!!

12 - Colliders for the starting segment and strongholds have been cleaned.

13 - (2) new outfits along with a Gauntlet and Cape variant have been added.

14 - Timing for the new melee has been adjusted to improve it's feel.

15 - (3) New skills Shadow Blade (Q Key Skill), Shadow Strike (E Key Skill) and Shadow Turret (R Key Skill) have been added.

16 - Skill coloring for all new skills have been completed.

17 - Mob spawn locations for TROS strongholds have been adjusted.

18 - (2) New wing variants have been added.

19 - Dark Essence and Dark Matter items have been added.

20 - Initial UI for the Dark Portal mini-game has been completed.

21 - Updated the build with the new TROS theme song.

22 - Start page background updated with new TROS background>

23 - TROS Segments re-organized to provide better direction for each entrance.

24 - Cleaned up positions for the ammo crates in the segments.

25 - Broken rock base added for new Shadow Worm enemy.

26 - A second new melee has been added. New melee associated Q key skill has been added.

27 - New Gun Mod has been added.

28 - In-game UI updated to reflect The Realm of Shadows Expansion.

29 - New enemy type "Void Guardian" has been added. This will represent a brand new type of mechanic for players running TROS strongholds.

30 - Newly added Gun Mod is Rapid Fire Shotgun Mod (Almost 2x Speed Boost).

31 - Newly added Melee is Dual Pistols completely re-engineered from the ground up.

32 - New Item Dark Arcane has been added. Used to unlock skills and other items.

33 - New skill Kill Shot (E Key Pistol Skill) has been added.

34 - Reduce load times -> Adjusted the wait times for on start up and verified that the extended wait time behaved the same as before with the reduced wait time. Start up time reduced from 1:45-1:50 to 0:50-0:55

35 - Applying Sexy Bunny outfit to a look and restarting the game causes the all the looks to be set to the last look that you had set before you closed the game fix.

36 - Unlock skill window does not close if you close the skill loadout with the skill loadout shortcut. You can still pay the cost but the prompt stays open and deducts the resource/currency and the skill does not unlock fix

37 - Dark Essence (adds 10% damage buff to all shadow enemies) has been updated to provide a second gauntlet charge while in use. If Dark Essence is active and a player activates their gauntlet a second charge will be added allowing for a second use of the gauntlet.

38 - Gear Corruption has been added. Players are now able to enchant new and existing gear. The first available enchantment will be "The Corruption". Players can add Corruption levels (+1 to +15) to their gear which provides a corruption visual effect as well as providing damage buffs to all shadow enemies. Gear corruption level is separated into 3 tiers requiring players to need T3 gear with +15 corruption on all 6 gear pieces to get the maximum 90% damage bonus. 10% from dark essence for a combined 100% damage bonus.

39 - Corruption visual effect has been added. This visual effect makes the player look more sinister as their gear corruption levels are increased. This visual effect can be toggled on and off inside the character customization interface.

40 - Two new tattoos have been added.

41 - (5) new outfits have been added along with (6) head gear pieces.

42 - (3) new Stronghold bosses have been added. Queen Ar'Kanis, Shadow Ako & Shadow Iko.

43 - All new Stonghold boss melee attacks have been added.

44 - All new Stronghold boss attack mechanics have been added.

45 - Dual Stronghold boss system has been added (The most fun boss fight ever).

46 - Dark Void mini-game has been renamed to "Hold the Line" The Dark Portal. Will be accessible from the Desktop once players complete the TROS storyline.

47 - New Expansion specific crate has been added.

48 - Made a change for Corruption to contribute to Power Level.

49 - New Earring cosmetic has been added.

50 - Voice lines added for all Stronghold Bosses.

51 - Added a visual indicator for the second gauntlet charge from Dark Essence.

52 - Enchantment UI revised to make corruption tier and level clearer.

53 - Added the ability for players to boost to a specific expansion. The Other Side of Time Expansion (EP.6) or The Realm of Shadows Expansion (EP.7)

54 - New sound effect has been added to inform players when a perk is activated or expires.

55 - Made a fix to ensure that newly added melee i.e. (Mark of the Beast, Deadly Dragon Fist, Revamped Dual Pistol and [HIDDEN] melee) can be used to parry stronghold bosses.

56 - Fixed a bug that caused Corrupted Soul models to respawn spawn every 24 seconds.

57 - Increased the size of the TROS main area lobby.

58 - Atonement Rewards for T1 and T2 Stronghold bosses (Queen Ar'Kanis & Shadow Ako/Iko) have been set.

59 - Increased the speed of the first (3) animations of the new Dual Pistol melee by 15%

60 - Increased the depth of the damage collider of the new Dual Pistol melee by 20%

61 - More clean up and optimization completed for the TROS main area and Stronghold maps.

62 - Mechanics for T1 & T2 Stronghold bosses have been finalized.

63 - Improved the Inventory UI description for Gear corruption to better convey corruption data (Tier and Level).

64 - Improved the UI indicator on icons representing gear to better convey corruption data (Tier and Level). Bright purple signifies T3, mid-range purple signifies T2 and dark purple signifies T1.

65 - Made a change to Hard Mode and above to reset Stronghold Boss HP and Shields on player death. This feature was limited to T2 Stronghold Bosses. Now it exists on all T2+ bosses no matter the difficulty and Hard Mode and above no matter the Boss Tier.

66 - Added pop-up text notifications for boss attacks from the Union and Mecha Union to all Stronghold Bosses. Now notification tips will pop up to help players understand how to navigate the Stronghold Bosses mechanic when they occur.

67 - Added a warning label below the Grinder to help players understand that once an item is grinded the action cannot be undone.

68 - Added a defense buff specific to Shadow Enemies for the new Corruption Mechanic.

69 - Added a new UI for staring players to inform them that Episode 1 & 2 can get lengthy with the dialog for the quests along with instructions and an option to skip to Episode 3 to get to the action quicker.

70 - Intro splash screens have been updated.

71 - INT for the Warrior, Assassin and Tank have been increased by two points.

Warrior from 5 INT to 7 INT
Tank from 3 INT to 5 INT
Assassin from 5 INT to 7 INT

72 - Hardcore Mode description has been updated to inform players that we will not restore save data when a wipe occurs due to Hardcore mode death.

73 - Added a pop up notification to inform players that it is best to pull and fight mobs separately before facing the Void Guardian.

74 - Updated the Dark Matter drops to provide additional Dark Matter based on DI. (1) Extra Dark Matter drop for every (15) DI levels capped at 30.

75 - Login time gold drop bonus has been increased by 5x.

76 - Made a change to have Stronghold Bosses Khoine, The Corruption and Sentinel to only get stunned in the last boss phase (same as T2 bosses behaved).

77 - Fixed a bug that caused there to be (2) extra levels of enhancement to get from T1 +1 Gear to T3 +15.

78 - Flying Guillotine skill damage has been reduced by 15%.

79 - The Final Watchmen Stronghold Boss Divine Justice (Raining Swords from above) mechanic damage has been increased by 2x.

80 - Added a new offensive mechanic to the Freedom City T2 boss Khione.

81 - Added a new offensive mechanic to the Necropolis Desert T2 boss The Corruption.

82 - Added T1 Dark Matter as a drop for the Void Guardian.

83 - New Cosmetic added to Epic Crate drops.

84 - ATK/DEF Stations added to TROS main area.

85 - TROS Jumping puzzle has been added.

86 - New Race Skin has been added.

87 - New Cow Ears, Cow Horns and Cow Tail have been added. (Previous cow horns look more like bull horns. These new cow horns are much more on point).

88 - Deer Antlers/Horns have been added.

89 - New Dual Axe Melee weapon and Short hand dagger weapons have been added.

90 - Class base damage has been adjusted.

TANK: From -15 to 0.
ASSASSIN: From 30 to 20.

91 - All new TROS Desktop Artwork quality increased to Epic.

92 - (2) New masks have been added.

93 - Class base HP regen has been adjusted.

SORCERESS: From 5 to 10.
HEALER: From 20 to 15.

94 - Added a note to character customization to remind players that right-clicking most sliders will reset the slider to the default value.

95 - Fixed a bug that caused Atonement UI rewards to not show up as being unlocked if the item was unlocked outside of an Atonement Reward.

96 - Improved the Create UI to clearly mark which items have already been unlocked from the crates.

97 - Showers have been added to the main TROS map area.

98 - Class base Health has been adjusted.

HEALER: From 30 to 20.

99 - Tank Class Weapon Melee collider range has been extended by 20%

100 - Watermark has been updated from League of Maidens "The Awakening" to League of Maidens "The Realm of Shadows"

101 - Training Dummies have been added to the main TROS map area.

102 - Made a change to have boss fight help tip notifications show on all difficulty modes except for Ultra-Hardcore mode. We've found many instances of players that are new to the game and having difficulties with the gameplay and boss fights that are also setting the difficulty mode to hard mode.

103 - Added a notification when opening the Dark Forge to remind players that increased levels of corruption will cause visual changes (purple skin, red eyes etc...) to their character along with information on how to disable this feature in the settings panel.

104 - Updated the top/left Atonement Icon to not disappear when all Atonement rewards have been collected for the day. Now the icon will remain on screen so that it is easily visible that all rewards for that character have been attained.

105 - Changed the setting 'Enable Corruption Effect' to 'Enable Enchantment Effect' since the setting will apply to corruption and any future enchantments.

106 - Added a text note at the bottom of the Exit Manager to inform players that you cannot cancel exiting an application when clicking the application 'X' button.

107 - Updated the Daily Rewards from the Shop UI.

108 - Reduced the cost for Shuffling from (5) to (1) Shuffle Ticket.

109 - Reduced the cost of purchasing an Extra Time Step spin from (5) to (1) Spin Ticket.

110 - Added a unique and negative sounding alert sound when the pet reaches it's hungry or tired state to help avoid scenarios where the player doesn't realize that the pet has not been looting because it is too tired.

111 - Added a progress bar to the new Crate UI which clearly shows which rewards have already been obtained. Now you can quickly and easily see your progress for attaining all items in each crate.

112 - Increased the lasting time for Rabbit's foot from 5 minutes to 20 minutes.

113 - Fixed a bug that caused the 'Nudity For All' check box to get out of sync under certain situations.

114 - Revamped the random gear dropping logic from standard mobs. The old logic was too inconsistent making it possible to farm for long periods of time without attaining a gear drop. The logic has been changed to greatly increase the gear drop consistency.

115 - Added text to the Atonement Rewards UI to inform players of the new boss crate drops for TROS Stronghold bosses at +15 and +30 DI.

116 - The last attack animation for the warrior melee has been revamped.

117 - Added an option that can be enabled/disabled for the logic that reduces frame rate on the game client when the player is inactive or the client is minimized (disabled by default).

118 - Updated the Crate UI to show imagery of all crates whether or not the player has crates to claim so that it is immediately visible to players which crates are available in LoM.

119 - New Boss Crates have been added to the Crate UI.

120 - Added text in several location that reminds players that purchased cosmetics can be reused unlimited times for any created characters.

121 - Decreased the amount of time it takes to complete a time step spin and reward collection by roughly half. The wheel spinning mechanic speed has been increased, movement speed for the pointer icon on the board has been increased and the amount of time it stays on a node before moving to the next node has also been decreased.

122 - Reduced the total number of Gold drop types from (4) to (2). This will free up two additional slots in the valuables tab which will help for new players inventory management. The gold replacements have also resulted in an increase of gold to be received from lower level mobs.

123 - Gear drop Gauntlets have been renamed to Gloves in order to remove the confusion between Gauntlet Gear and Gauntlet Cosmetics which also have functional use.

124 - Added text to the shop to inform players that the cost for an outfit ranges from $3.49 at the lowest (with the highest diamond pack)(also does not include the 20% premium discount) to at the most $9.99 (with the lower diamond pack) to help clear up the confusion about the cost of outfits in LoM.

125 - Gold items have been renamed to 'Gold Coins' and 'Gold Chest'

126 - Trap mechanics have been added to the Necropolis Desert Strongholds.

127 - Traps mechanics have been added to the Underground Sewer Strongholds.

128 - Sniper Rifle base damage has been increased by 2x.

129 - Default values for sound volumes have been updated.

130 - Fixed a bug that caused the timing for one of the Watcher (Nun) flying sword mechanics to be unfair and too early.

131 - Warrior Melee collider has been extended by 20%.

132 - (2) Perks Rocket Launch and Sprint Burst have been re-added.

133 - New Stronghold Mod Towers have been implemented.

134 - Camera Shaking has been disabled by default. Players are still able to enable it in the Accessibilty section of the settings and configuration panel.

135 - Added a note to the Settings and Configuration page that lets players know that Motion Blur, Camera Shaking, Player/Enemy HP Bars can be enabled/disabled in the settings panel.

136 - The respawn times for Strongholds in the open areas have been reduced from 10 minutes to 5 minutes (similar to the Underground Sewer and Realm of Shadows).

137 - Damage for first animation of Deadly Dragon Fist reduced by 20%.

138 - Damage for second, third and forth (Kick animations of Deadly Dragon Fist) increased by 200%

139 - Added a note to the drop item UI to let players know that you cannot undo or pick up an item after it has been dropped.

140 - Option to show/hide Gauntlets (temporarily) in character customization has been added.

141 - Tips have been added to Character customization UI to help players achieve a smoother butt using the sliders.

142 - Reduced the length of time screen shaking occurs when it is initiated via action combat.

143 - Added Gauntlets to the list of items that are hidden when going into nude mode in the shower.

144 - Body values for the 5 Divinian / 5 Netherian Default Characters and (4) Body Presets have been updated.

145 - New Boss Crates have been added for the Sentinel and Watchman stronghold bosses.

146 - Physics have been added to the newly added earrings cosmetics.

147 - Pauldrons (Shoulder Armor) without capes have been added with the ability to enable or disable the left/right Pauldron.

148 - Maiden Plus and Prestige badges have been moved elsewhere to reduce the amount of clutter in the player nameplate.

149 - Fixed a bug that caused the reward counter to not work for Atonement Rewards.

150 - Skating Permit has been added to the Weekly Crate.

151 - Stronghold types have been limited to Chronicle (+0), Legendary (+15), Mythic (+30)

152 - Items highlighted as interactable that are not have been removed from Freedom City as these caused confusion for some quests.

153 - Made a change to disable DI use while inside of a Stronghold. At the moment the levels of Strongholds (Chronicle, Artifact, Legendary and Mythic) don't have much meaning. With a change to reducing the number of Strongholds (Chronicle +0 DI, Legendary +15 DI and Mythic +30 DI) and the great deal of new rewards coming for this higher level content we've opted to disable the use of DI so that rewards earned from higher level content come from experiencing the entire stronghold and being rewarded for making it through. We've play tested and found that this change helps as part  of our efforts to make more difficult content more impactful and rewarding.

154 - Updated Nudity Everywhere & Nudity for All to hide backgear including new pauldrons.

155 - Made a change to the earlier DI use within Strongholds. After a lot of testing we found many instances of forgetting to use DI before entering which caused frustration. We have changed the logic to allow use of DI in the first Stronghold room which will prevent players from running into the frustrating scenario but still maintain the difficulty of the Stronghold. The use of Death Invitations is limited to outside of a Stronghold or inside the first Stronghold room. You cannot use Death Invitations after clearing the first room of the Stronghold.



Kuro Kansuke

Newbie here, looking forward to this expansions :D


Thank you so much for joining us Kuro! Thank you SO MUCH for supporting our development and thank you for your interest in playing League of Maidens!!! We're working super hard to make it our best expansion yet! <3<3<3

omegy duboy

I can't link my patron account to the games. How can I solve it? When I open any of the games, a link opens in my browser, I click "allow" the page reloads and nothing happens...


More than likely you are dealing with this issue. https://stackoverflow.com/questions/21571239/http-localhost8080-access-error-404-not-found-cannot-locate-document Feel free to look this over. If you are not able to figure it out feel free to click the bug icon on the desktop to submit a support ticket or you can join our Discord for live support from any of our mods. Unfortunately we are not able to provide the best support here in the Patreon comments section. Thank you! - maidengaming