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Greetings Maiden Nation! This is your Maiden Commander speaking.

We couldn't be happier to announce that the official trailer for our first ever MAIDEN+ EXCLUSIVE title Kunoichi "Sword of the Assassin" is available to watch on YouTube!!! PLEASE LIKE & SHARE THE YOUTUBE VIDEO AND HELP US TO SPREAD THE WORD ABOUT KUNOICHI!!!

CLICK FOR MORE INFO: http://www.playkunoichi.com

Kunoichi "Sword of the Assassin" is an action and stealth EARLY ACCESS game developed and published by Maiden Gaming built with the new UNREAL 5 ENGINE for the Windows PC platform available exclusively on Patreon. Players take the role of Takashida, a Kunoichi tasked with avenging her father's death at the hands of the Yokai Clan. It features role-playing, strategy, action and stealth set in feudal Japan. Kunoichi pays homage in many ways to genres of entertainment in gaming and film most notably DOS platform game Sword of the Samurai from Microprose (my favorite game growing up), Ninja Scroll (my favorite anime growing up), Kill Bill (my favorite film), Lady Snow Blood (film that heavily inspired Kill Bill) and more.

The game will be available to play THIS FRIDAY, DECEMBER 9TH 2022. (12/9/22)

Some of the features you will find in Kunoichi "Sword of the Assassin" include the following:

UNCENSORED NUDITY INCLUDED (NO EXTRA COST!), No Cash Shop (Play to Earn), 80+ Mix/Match Cosmetics, No-Fail Crafting System, 12 Different Maps, 1v1 missions, 1vAll missions, Stealth missions, Photo Mode/Gallery and more!

 Have YouTube, Twitter, in any Discords, Facebook or other social media? PLEASE HELP US TO SPREAD THE WORD ABOUT KUNOICHI "SWORD OF THE ASSASSIN" by downloading and reposting images from our Press Kit!

DOWNLOAD THE PRESS KIT: https://tinyurl.com/yn9r6a5w

***IMPORTANT: To clarify, Kunoichi is not League of Maidens. It is a completely different game. It does not play like League of Maidens, it has and highlights different features than League of Maidens and it in no way attempts to be League of Maidens.***

We've always wanted to bolster our Maiden+ service with a unique and exclusive title and we are happy to announce that Kunoichi "Sword of the Assassin" officially starts that journey for us. What does that mean for existing Maiden+ subscribers? Kunoichi "Sword of the Assassin" is available to you at NO ADDITIONAL COST. If you are a Maiden+ sub, you will already have access to the game.

With that being said, we are making a number of changes to our Maiden+ subscription service to help improve it as a service for our subscribers. Outside of adding additional value for your subscription we have officially switched over to Patreon's new 30-day billing cycle. What that means is that new subscribers will no longer have to worry about being charged twice with the second charge being on the first of the month. Patreon has updated their service which allows us to now switch over to their new billing cycle system which will have you always charged on a 30 day interval no matter what day you subscribe.

Next, we are adding two additional tiers to the existing Maiden+ Premium Tier. Our new available tiers are the following, Maiden+ Basic, Maiden+ Premium and Maiden+ Ultra.

Feel free to click here to view the pricing structure (no change to the existing Maiden+ Premium tier other than us adding more value for your money!).


We hope you enjoy the trailer and our efforts to give you more value for what you pay every month. We thank you for helping us to keep going as a company and we couldn't be happier to provide more value for your hard earned money. <3


The purpose of this game for our players is to provide more value for their Maiden+ subscription. The purpose of this game for our studio/developers is to provide an alternate project to avoid burnout. As our team grows it is important to have a handle on this common issue faced by all studios. With any software development and working on the same project for a decade, it presents the possibility for stagnation and burnout. Having a second title on a different engine allows our developers to increase their knowledge and improve their skills to make better products and features for our players in the future all while keeping them fresh and preventing burnout. Lastly, I (Maiden Commander) am interested in exploring content that is more adult in nature and I would prefer to explore that in a new title.


Shortly after the release of OSOT I (Maiden Commander) needed a break. I took some well deserved personal time for myself and family after helping to get the new members of our development team up and running and provided as much help as I could with the developers dedicated to the server transfer. When it was time to ease back into development after my time off the creative juices weren't there. I felt like I needed something new to get me excited about development again. During my off time I decided to pick back up on some older Unreal projects that I had been playing with in the past. Also taking the time to learn more about Unreal's new updates (Unreal 5). Worked on that and on several proof of concepts just for fun. Played around with a lot of amazing Unreal offerings and it gave me my spark back. What started out as fun turned into several projects that I really enjoyed working on. It was then that I decided to work on Kunoichi while the rest of the team focused on LoM. It ended up being a great decision as it helped me to learn more about a new engine and it also got me very excited to manage the LoM project with the time away.


Absolutely not. As we've already shown we are working extremely hard and are very excited about The Realm of Shadows Expansion.

Well, that's it! Please remember that NONE OF OUR DEVELOPMENT ON THIS GAME would be possible without the AMAZING SUPPORT OF OUR FREAKING AWESOME SUBSCRIBERS!!! We thank you SO MUCH for sticking with us and providing us the means to create awesome content for you all to play and enjoy!!! <3

- Maiden Commander


Kunoichi "Sword of the Assassin" Official Announcement Trailer | Unreal 5

PLAY KUNOICHI "SWORD OF THE ASSASSIN"! http://www.playkunoichi.com/ EARLY ACCESS DATE: DECEMBER 9TH, 2022. (12/9/22) Kunoichi "Sword of the Assassin" is an action and stealth EARLY ACCESS game developed and published by Maiden Gaming built with the new UNREAL 5 ENGINE for the Windows PC platform available exclusively on Patreon. Players take the role of Takashida, a Kunoichi tasked with avenging her father's death at the hands of the Yokai Clan. It features role-playing, strategy, action and stealth set in feudal Japan. Kunoichi pays homage in many ways to genres of entertainment in gaming and film most notably DOS platform game Sword of the Samurai from Microprose (my favorite game growing up), Ninja Scroll (my favorite anime growing up), Kill Bill (my favorite film), Lady Snow Blood (film that heavily inspired Kill Bill) and more. PLEASE LIKE & SHARE THE YOUTUBE VIDEO AND HELP US TO SPREAD THE WORD ABOUT KUNOICHI!!! TWITTER: https://twitter.com/leagueofmaidens DISCORD: https://discord.gg/5TU2NX9 TWITCH: https://www.twitch.tv/maidengaming_net YOUTUBE: https://www.youtube.com/leagueofmaidens INSTAGRAM: https://instagram.com/leagueofmaidens/ Watch other Kunoichi videos! LIKE AND SUBSCRIBE TODAY!!!



web site link not working for me


Same. Initially I assumed it was just overloaded… not an auspicious start.


yea just letting them know is all


Hey there, i'd like to know if it will also be included in the old/legacy subscriptions. I still have my Maiden Plus Platinum sub from years ago and those were not specifically mentioned, wouldnt want to lose the benefits ^^'


Not to worry. You won't lose any of your benefits if you've maintained a legacy tier. This will just add more content for what you're currently paying. :)


Thats great, thanks for the fast reply! Can't wait to get my hands on Kunoichi as soon as the EA releases. The trailer looked pretty good and made curious to try it out :) (i'm a fan of the old Tenchu und Way of the Samurai games)

Brandon Forgot

This looks really good. Can’t wait to play.


will be absolutely checking this out!! been maiden plus since launch and worth every penny. looking forward to this!! ( and the realm of shadows) XD


Absolutely love to see it. Amazing subs like you helped us to be in the position to even make Kunoichi and without spending a single penny more you'll get to see the results of that support. Absolutely LOVE IT! THANK YOU FOR YOUR AMAZING SUPPORT!!! &lt;3 &lt;3 &lt;3


I'm lost/confused on how to access this - I see release date of 12/9, but then ultra membership suggests VIP 7-Day advanced, so wouldn't that suggest available on 12/2? Or is 12/9 already what 7-day advanced is?


The 7-Day advanced is on update access. It would be impossible for us to provide a 7 day advance on a title that was only announced 3 days before it's release.


Ah, I didn't take notice of the announcement date. Although if you ever do figure out how to provide access with more advance than the announcement, you could start a second Patreon income stream giving tutorials on how you managed time travel.


I am under the impression it will be available at midnight 12/8/2022


Thank you for your inquiry. No it will not be available at midnight. We will announce when the build is available to download. It is around 2AM ET and most of us are asleep at this time. :)