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Welcome to this week's bonus lesson! As teased yesterday we check out 4 of the most important arpeggios and how to learn them the smart way. As always our goal is to work smart not hard - by visualizing and understanding which notes you are playing you can switch quickly between different shapes and write very interesting licks.

This also does wonders for your improvisation since you can build arpeggios on the fly by adding thirds and fifths to the roots you're playing around. The main goal here is to break free from learned shapes, boxes or patterns.


Arpeggio Switching System [SGC Bonus Lesson]



Hi - new member, so I hope I am asking this in the right place! I am really drawn to the diminished sound, but what is the right way to balance this with the major, minor or augmented without sounding "dark" at all times - I am thinking in terms of creating the right balance of emotion.


Hey Hon Hak, welcome to the community :) That's a really great question, I know exactly what you mean! I would suggest by starting to find diminished chords in their natural habitat - on scale degrees in different keys. Most commonly, you will find them on the 2nd scale degree in natural minor (in A minor it would be Bdim). Since that Bdim chord includes the notes of the A minor scale, it won't sound that dark, dissonant and out of place in an A minor cadence! This page makes understanding all that much easier: https://www.guitar-chords.org.uk/chords-key-a-minor.html


If this is the 'bonus' lesson - is there another related lesson I should start with first?


Great question Malcolm, thanks for asking! I use the term 'bonus lesson' for all lesson that I recorded for Patreon exclusively - that just implies that these videos are only made and available for the community on here :) Hope that helps, have a great weekend!


Hi I'm new to the community and for the most part new to guitar I'm a pro Metal bassist for 30 years and have toured and recorded with the likes of Atma Anur , Patrick Johansson, Rick Renstrom , Wade Black , Alessandro Del Vecchio and many others but find myself in a cross roads of sort so wish me luck lol so far the videos are very informative and I am putting things together and expanding things nicely ! Get job on the community I'm very pleased with its content and quality ! Cheers !


It's supposed to say good job on the community not get smh