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I wanna start with an apology first thing for not giving an update last week, it totally slipped my mind- though rest assured it was not for lack of work getting done, as I continue to work on this every day even when I forget to post about it ^^; This update feels a tad sparse, but there are definitely a few things I got done I don't want you all to see just yet! Saving some surprises for the finished thing~

All the animated sections of the animation are now complete! I'm just coloring all the comic panels, then I'm gonna edit it all together and add some dialogue and wham! Animation finished!  

After this animation is done my plan is to take things a little simpler and do a couple animations with fewer shots-I'm thinking something like the Blaidd animation, wasn't too complex and because of that I got to really go for it with the dialogue and details and the fun! Also I just haven't been digging the output I've had lately the more complex these get. I'm definitely not done making longer animations (I still have some big, fun, and horny ideas) but I think you all deserve some more stuff to look at more frequently on here.

Up Next

  • Finish This Animation!
  • Finish putting together the audio version of the Pizza Delivery Animation
  • A fanart sketch poll! 

Alright back to work. Happy Easter if you celebrate! I myself, like with most holidays, am enjoying the food uwu

Take care!




really excited for this!! :3 and the audio version of the pizza one 🥴


Simpler shots is understandable. You are doing this solo so you don't wanna stretch yourself thin. It's all good man. Do what you can without feeling overwhelmed. When this animation does come out its lookin to be a real contender for my favorite. That hand move up his thigh to cup his crotch is amazing stuff 👏. Also pizza audio is nice. Totally forgot that was coming. Keep up the good work man. You make awesome stuff 😩🙌


Thank you Christian! Not only for the kind words about the animation but also appreciate the words about being overwhelmed- I've been doing this for 2 years and I'm still figuring out the balance, but hopefully I'll get it eventually haha. In the meantime your support is appreciated uwu


You’re doing great dude!! Keep it up and take your time!! We’re all patient and know this takes a lot of work and time out your day!! You make amazing animations everytime one comes out!! It’s amazing how fast you even get these animations out doing them by yourself!! We all understand! I can wait for this one and the audio version of the pizza guy one to come out!! You always make great work for animations!! One of my favs dude!! Much wuv! ^w^ 💙


I didn't get around to replying to this quick enough, but I really appreciate it and these words definitely helped get me through it! thank you so much!!!


It’s alright!! I understand you’re very busy!!! And I’m glad to help motivate you!! You’re doing awesome!! Much love!! 💙💙💙