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Hello.  I hope you are well.  I just want to offer my biggest thank you for your support as we move into March, and a quick update on the projects on the go.   Don't forget my Trioami Discord to join the community, regular updates and pocket-WIPs.  (Also, did someone mention my Dead-By-Daylight channel?) <.< *cough-cough*. As always please feel free to join.


Thank you for participating in the Supershorts which I am happy to continue for the foreseeable future.  

The winner entries were German Shepherd (M) x Zebra, Oreo (M) x Wolf, Dash (M) - Threeway and Dragon, Dergo (M) x Stallion, Spirit x Wolf, Shadow (M) - Spitroast Position. Don’t worry if your entry didn’t win, there will be a new poll and ideas coming shortly <3

Open Projects

Compliments of Stiffridge [WIP]

A personal project currently in the making, London x Dusty Sixty-nine position.  This will be published in different versions of two render engines as both engines produce beautiful scenes in different ways. 

Octane engine is much, much faster than the Superfly engine allowing me to produce a longer animation loop, whereas the Superfly render engine allows for overall improved image quality and a textured harness, allowing just 1/5th the length of Octane due to the longer rendering process.  I will publish both separately as well as a 3D version.

Upcoming projects

I have a few animation ideas I will be working on for the foreseeable future, as well as posting a Patreon Fantasy.
My first three ideas will be horse's, with a couple of them canines x horse featuring my new racetrack scene.  My ideas include:
Horse x Horse
Fast Blow-job.
Horse x Wolf
Wolf draped over hedge
Horse x Canine
Canine bonded under stallion while trotting.
These animations will coincide with the Patreon Fantasy Ideas as to allow for more variety.

New models

Racetrack model and props
This is my new scene with props, a racetrack and racehorse clothing.  I have a few ideas I will be creating between March and April using this scene and props.

This is my new racecourse scene, iit is by far my largest scene furnished with grounds, hedges, a pool and comprises a track, billboard, paddock, finishing line, stewards box, tote board and a grandstand fully fitted with seating.  I will be showing more of it in detail later in the month as I create more content within.
Race clothing and materials.  
What racecourse is complete without race horses, and their outfits.  Here is Storm fully outfitted with the new clothing, consisting of blinkers with 9 material, front and rear wraps 11 materials, synthetic and leather bridle 6 materials and a saddle with 9 materials. 

I will be taking your ideas for the Patreon Fantasy shortly, stay tuned for that if you choose these, and also for the final Compliments of Stiffridge final [Octane version]

That's it for now!  Thank you so much once again for your continued support, I hope you enjoy the new animations, and as always please don't hesitate to contact me about anything, if you just need someone to talk to <3

Until next time, thank you, and stay safe <3


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