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need a quick opinion by you guys, should I adopt the "sketch the next work before coloring the current one" type of format again? I have in my hands a sketch for 4 Saane blowjob scenes but it'll probably take a while before I can finish them plus variants, should I sketch the next work? I was in the mood to draw Cerea but I dunno, should I focus on one project at time? or you guys mind waiting a bit more time? you know I'm pretty slow ? also I'll post the Saane sketches soon!



It's cool! Do what keeps you motivated to draw! If you're close to finishing the Saane sketch just save it for later and then start on Cerea.


I think it's more simple to just do one by one, and just write your ideas for future drawing. But do what you think it's simpler for you.


I mean it's kinda the same for me, just wanna make sure people don't mind waiting a bit more time if I do both!