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Hey everyone. 

 You know I'm out of words to describe how grateful I am for all your support and it's not some fake bullshit this really comes from deep inside, it means a lot to me.

As you know I appreciate all of your support of any kind, financial on Patreon or with commissions or not, the first doesn't have more value to my eyes believe me, I get that not everyone can afford to do this especially nowadays! 

Somehow I feel like I can't repay you for all the good vibes you send, of course I crossed path with a few people that I didn't really like and it was the same for them, the world is not pink and people doesn't have to always love each other, we must be able to hear it and accept it, but for all the rest it means the world to me that I can live from my art (humbly I'm not earning thousands but just enough to live a simple life because I'm a simple guy ^^) thanks to all of you. I don't say it a lot but it's on my mind all the time and it really shows me that generosity is not dead inside people's heart ! 

Every time I win a Patron, or that someone commission me or leave me a nice comment with a feedback (positive or negative as soon as it's polite), people taking the time for me, well this is just the fuel for keeping on doing what I do, drawing my passions.

My point is that i'm thankful to all of you guys, just thanks ! 

Long live the female bodybuilding   ! 



Yeah, long live. Keep up the good work


thanks for the kind words, its great to know your just as excited to get feedback as we are seeing your creations :) keep up the awesome work, you are one of the few artists that does both female AND male muscle growth, which is amazing ! cant wait for more ;)


No problem ^_^ It's always a pleasure to see your works. So few artists out there are as open-minded or willing to push boundaries like you do, and we're just really fortunate to have you around.


I thank you ! As I said I can't be thankful enough for all the people who take the time to give me their feedback ! I'm very touched to hear that I try to do my best to make everyone happy and I will keep doing that ^^!


Your words really touches me man ! I'm glad to have cool people like you supporting me as well and ecouraging my work ! Thanks so much and let's keep pushing the boundaries ;) !