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Bonney's Father and The Egghead Island


Randy Petitmaitre

I was so impatient I watch the reaction on YouTube half way 😂😂😂😂😂



與田 貴大(Takahiro)

wow,very quick!!! One Piece final saga is very exciting!! kuma… I have a bad feeling about him…

Yavy Sage

I love how every ep gets more and more exciting. also the new intro is crazy good! I can't get enough of it.

David Jaegers

Ur not ready for Egghead, those segments with Robin are very helpful

Sean J

24:20 steph you’re right 😂 cus that’s what i mentioned as well in comments a long time ago. Oda incorporates a lot of IRL ancient mythology, esoteric & occult information, and etc etc along with common matters most people are hip to like race, slavery, political hierarchies/issues and so forth. i would link you so many correlations if it didn’t contain certain spoilers but yea you not trippin at all. That’s why in my opinion u can’t compare one piece to any other anime, only thing that’s similar as far as the depth is Hunter x Hunter. Pure genius mangaka’s, the both of em 🔥


You sounding like conspiracy brother at the end. But all jokes aside with, I;m sure ODA is hip to the secrets of the world


Im so happy they are doing that recap thing at the end, its a way to make the episodes a little better because they have to animate a minute or so less meaning the episode can be paced better and it helps anime onlys because this final saga will be confusing if they dont have a refresher on alot of characters and information


The word conspiracy came from the government just fyi lol but who knows, I’m just yapping either way lmao 🤣


btw you guys missed the part where bonney said she came here in the past and yeah the part where it's revealed kuma is her dad...yeah it's a new information

Arnav Mekala

Multiple vegapunks and who is the real vegapunk…hmmmm… where have seen this type of thing? Pain: You will know Pain! Damn is Oda about to copy Kishimoto 😂😂😂 nah jokes aside that is what came to mind.


This Ep was so shocking. Seeing the Egghead Island for the First time, and finding out Kuma is Bonneys Father is just insane and its so sad what happened to Kuma. The Outro hits so hard everytime too.

Galaxy Shogun

Super early this week 🙏🏾

Ace Hollow

yall missed the part where bonney said she was at egghead island as a kid


Oda is a genius, for him to give +25 years of his life to a show clearly means it is something so special to him. His whole adult life is in this manga, if I give my entire career to one work I would get every thought in my head on that work. My thought on freedom religion politics dreams the state of the world socities money. He bet his whole life on this manga, it is the one piece of work he poured everything onto, so yeah I would agree that this manga is full of real life implications and ideas to be analyzed and possibly discussed, imo.


The outro soundtrack with Robin & Chopper I swear I've heard that same soundtrack in Bleach episodes 🤔

Kevin McCain

Every week I’m more exited to see y’all reaction to all this info egghead is about to give you. Oda has been cooking with the heat on low for years and now he turned it up. And stephs theories always have me thinking as well


I believe you guys were talking while Bonney said this but she said she's been to this island before so that's why she knows her way around parts of the island