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yall this show is so crazy lolol


Arnav Mekala

Cecil is my favorite morally gray character. He is the only one I don't hate of the people who will do anything to save humanity even if it means using unethical stuff when they have no other choice. And you can see he hates making these decisions and doesn't care about himself except the security of the human race.


ooooo yes the atom eve special is fire


These last two episodes are peak!


I LOVE the revelation that The Immortal was not just a bronze age barbarian, a knight, but also Abraham Lincoln, what a wild origin


I have to say, I kinda forgot about this Episode and Ambers reaction. So up to this point you can see where Amber is coming from, but there are still moments where she is annoying. But after this Episode... she just sucks. She knew he was a Superhero and still throws tantrums... like bruh... You should know why he can't be upfront with that information. It can endanger Mark, it can endanger Amber, it can endanger others that are close to them. That's why ever Hero has a costume, to keep their identiy a secret. That has nothing to do with "I don't trust her" it's just not something you are upfront about. But yeah, anyways. When I watched this Episode the first time, it was just dope. It pretty much goes from 0 to a 100. We finally see the real Robot. Btw he didn't use Monster Girl's DNA, he just used Rex's DNA. He got the DNA in the Episode where Team Teen became the new Guardians. Robot basically told Rex that he shouldn't repeat the relationship he had with Atom Eve with Monster Girl. Because Atom Eve left the team because of Rex. Rex said that he won't because Monster Girl looks like a 14 yo and since he is a Guardian he can bang anyone he wants. Robot say it's good that they have a understanding and tapped Rex shoulder. And Rex says "Ow!" and Robot respons with "oh sorry, i must have pinched a nerf" but we see that he had a needle on his arm, with which he took a bit of Rex blood. Because like Robot said in this Episode, he saw that Rex and Monster Girl got along and that Monster Girl thought that Rex is insterting. So since Robot wants to help Monster Girl because they have similar issues, he wants to take Rex DNA to get his body basically so that he appeals to Monster Girl more. And yeah, Cecil also very interesting. He is just all about saving Earth no matter the cost and he very much knows that what he does is really bad. So far I haven't watched the Eve special and S2, but for me Cecil is probably one of the most interesting characters and I can't wait to see more of him in S2. same with Mark, Eve and some others. Next Episode will be dope.