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so unexpected!



Choso is half curse and half human. He is a Curse Womb just like those two Yuji and Nobara killed at the end of season 1.


Uraume first appearance is actually in season 1 episode 21 to be exact.


dont ask questions about Choso and Yuji. people will spoil. rewatch the last episode of season 1 if you dont remember the details on the death paintings


yeah it shouldnt be a surprise that they're working with the brain


I know you guys probably don’t remember, but Uraume was shown in season one at the end of the Kyoto exchange event with “geto”

Omar Anthony

Uzumaki comes from this horror manga that’s where the author gets the idea from


JJK is inspired by HxH, YYH and Bleach. It has no similarities to Naruto

Omar Anthony

I wasn’t saying it was from Naruto I was talking about a different manga call uzumaki the author says geto supreme art comes from that horror manga

Jean Lambert Ackah

it wasnt weird lol you would have to re-watch the episode lol you missed everything that choso said. its the truth lol


mahito is no longer one of his curses because he used the supreme art uzumaki which basically used all of mahitos cursed energy to make that offensive blast occur . once its used the curse spirit that was absorb is gone and btw the brains name is kenjaku LMAO


how is knowing his name a spoiler and the rest of it was explain in the ep 🤣


Brain-kun 😂😂 Steph bruh


it’s not even spoiling they explained it this episode they just missed it.


u are dumb every episode they literally don’t know what to call him so i said his name please tell me how his name is a spoiler dumb ass 💀


Because they will find out his name at some point. Steph mentioned this in another reaction its annoying telling them shit they're going to find out let them get there themselves dumbass


your name is ethan stfu 💀 im trynna keep shi family friendly and u mad ab a name that doesn’t spoil anything in the show 😐so relax internet gangsta


regardless if you think so or not, his name is a spoiler. there's a reason he was commonly just called "brain" for the majority of the series.


yea they called him brain when nobody in the verse knew it was brain make it make sense 😂


Yeah that had me weak like he heard that before lol idk where he heard it

Alton Griffiths

Choso is the first of the curse paintings making him around 150 years old and Kamo sired him with chosos mother


yuki is also todos mentor, excited to see what she can do