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SIDE NOTE: Since yesterday's episode of Mashle was a filler/recap we decided to drop a BB episode! Enjoy!!


JacksOnion Lee

yall look so annoyed in the thumbnail


I heard Mashle is running into production issues😬 not a good look for a seasonal anime


I hate skyler bro 😒🤬😡


Meme material 💀

KoKo JoJo

It’s kinda crazy that we are comparing tax evasion to drug dealing. The drug business can puts both you and your family in physical and legal harm. There’s already been two cases where people pulled up to Walt’s crib (Tuco and the brothers). Skyler is not a complete hypocrite because the situation are far from 1 to 1. I shouldn’t even have to explain this lol.


they are both crimes man and she is willing to put her family in another predicament just to be with the person she loves. If this boss gets caught somehow then there is more trauma for the kids and then the son will detach himself from the family and skyler will be a single mum, jobless, trying to raise her child in a sticky situation. Skyler's personality is so trash we compare her to a criminal that cooks meth and puts his family in danger its ridiculous. People don't read replies so i put it here.

KoKo JoJo

Yes both crimes but one is worse. Tax evasion: •Jail time Drug dealer/manufacturer: •Jail time •Violent people can endure both you and family (In Walters case… THE F’ING CARTEL!) like you said both crimes, but like I said not 1 to 1.


They don't talk about which is worse, that is obvious. They talk about that wrong is wrong. If she is against Walt for being a Cook, that's fine, but also being kinda fine with Ted's tax evasion and kinda supporting it, makes her a hypocrit.


Yeah, Skyler definitely had sex with Ted for the whole reason so that she could tell Walt to hurt him. Because she knows that Walt doesn't like Ted. Because when Skyler told Walt that she works at Ted's company again he wasn't happy about it. So Skyler is now like "If I can't tell the truth and can't make him leave this house, then I hurt him so much that he leaves by himself."

Evoke 310

Oooo the caption and thumbnail lol I’m ready. Lemme get my breakfast 🤣

KoKo JoJo

Terrible logic. If I steal 50 dollars worth of snacks from Walmart I’m a hypocrite for rejecting and standing up against a serial rapist? What the hell is that 😂.


very true bro but i just dislike her choices man. They aren't equal crimes but they are still both crimes and its just the fact that she is willing to date another criminal and not do the right thing and expose both of them and take her family away from all the nonsense.

KoKo JoJo

I don’t think Skyler feels the same way about Ted the same way she felt about Walt before he found Jesse. Ted is literally a rebound nothing more. Also, don’t get me wrong. Both of them have crappy personalities (Walt and Skyler) but I just think Walt is worse, he hides it through his charisma and wittiness but he really is a selfish manipulative a’hole (so is Sky but he is her x2).

cornett0 (edited)

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2023-05-20 19:34:02 yes he is but i like how he can somewhat own up to it but she thinks she is an angel and i hate that but bro even if u don't think he does do that i think we can agree that skyler is also a lot of work and would be annoying in a normal setting. yes walt is the main vilain though.
2023-05-20 15:50:40 yes he is but i like how he can somewhat own up to it but she thinks she is an angel and i hate that but bro even if u don't think he does do that i think we can agree that skyler is also a lot of work and would be annoying in a normal setting. yes walt is the main villain though.

yes he is but i like how he can somewhat own up to it but she thinks she is an angel and i hate that but bro even if u don't think he does do that i think we can agree that skyler is also a lot of work and would be annoying in a normal setting. yes walt is the main villain though.

KoKo JoJo

One last thing, yes Skyler fell out of love with Walt, BUT because: 1.) He is a liar (the phone situation) 2.) He is a master manipulator (the nude dazed situation) 3.) He is a drug dealer (enough said)


Steph broke it down perfectly. She simply isn’t in love with walt anymore so the sacrifices he made for the family and to make sure they are good after he’s gone means nothing to her


That other guy is literally all those things. He's trying to manipulate skylar into doing illegal things. Hes lying to the government and is doing tax evasion which is literally lying. He is a commiting the same things walter is.


Wtf is a "complete hypocrite"? She's helping someone doing massive buisness wide tax evasion and someone who by the way she claims sexually assaulted her. She would literally rather listen to his explination and have sex with him then listen to her husband even EXPLAIN why he did what he did. Walter didnt know that there was a threat to his family and as you know later he WOULD do something if he knew there was. But ofcourse your only argument is that one is worse and that somehow justifies her actions.


Skyler: -Shitty Personality -Buisness Wide Tax Evading Felon -Would Rather listen to an explanation from a Sexual Assaulting Felon Then her husband on why he did what he did. -Would Rather act like a fucking Angel and pretend shes innocent infront of Walter and never tells him about Ted and his actions Walter: -Shitty Personality -Absolute Psychopath -Tries to justify commiting felonies and making drugs as "I'm helping the family" when he had other options -Is a Felon x2 -Atleast admits he knows what hes doing is wrong and says its worth it for my family.

Wallet (edited)

Comment edits

2023-05-20 22:04:22 I haven't watched this video yet, but please tell me they dont say "SHES CHEATING ON WALT" because shes not together with walt.
2023-05-20 19:48:44

Steph Motion

Technically she is still with Walt


No shes not, she wants a divorce and Walt is just refusing to sign the papers, they are not together at all.


One wants OUT OF THE RELATIONSHIP and out of her life, it doesn't matter what she does all it matters is SHE WANTS WALT out of her life, they are not together.


You dont hate Walt? You know he is worse right? LOL


Kiddo, if you think ITS OKAY for Walt to be doing what he is doing and knowing that it quite literally PUTS YOUR FAMILY IN DANGER, GET HELP.


Walt doesn't own up to it. He just knows what he is doing is wrong and completely Illegal and LOVES that fact. OWNING UP TO IT, means you STOP DOING IT.


Ted is a drug dealer that puts his family in absolute life or death situation danger? WE WATCHING the same series?


Of course it doesn't mean anything to her, IT NEVER HAS why the fuck would she be so grateful for her husband to be doing what he is doing? SHE NEVER ASKED FOR HIM TO DO THAT.


If your wife hated this girl and then you went out and killed that fucking girl and say BUT I DID IT FOR YOU! who the fuck is in the wrong??!?


ofc he is worse but her personality is so bad people compare the two which says a lot


ofc it aint okay for walt to do that shit its her decision making that makes her an enemy to the viewers. If she openly admits her mistakes and showed remorse then people wouldn't hate so much.


bro you might be right about walt but you keep avoiding the fact that skyler has made ridiculous decisions and also made manipulative moves against walt. Your opinion is biased because you watched the whole thing and i haven't. So this is how i feel now and i know walt does really bad shit but dont pretend that skyler is an angel. She should move to her sisters with her children and tell the truth about walt. If the son finds out she cheated and hears that walt made drugs he is going to be devestated so dont tell me its for the good of the children shes keeping her mouth shut.


no but he is risking giving his kids trauma and puting them in foster care if he gets caught.


to admit that you are responsible for something bad or wrong - own up This does not mean that you stop doing that said thing it just means you admit its wrong which he did.

Sean J

they was 6 figures in debt.. almost at half a M in debt as a matter of fact 😂😂 like wut.

Sean J

it’s so wild how skylar treats Walt as a complete menace 😭 like yea ik it’s still METH he be cookin but as far as the way he treats his kids ? he’s been a perfectly fine regular father.


Yeah skyler is garbage straight out the sewer😂


dealing drugs and ruining communities is worse then embezzlement which lands you in a white collar prison where you get to play video games all day


example wolf of wall street they lied about millions and landed in a private prison with tennis courts and such


skyler cant move out because their credit cards are maxed and she has no money

KoKo JoJo

If Walter didn’t know that the drug business would threaten his family, he is the “smartest” dumbass in media.

KoKo JoJo

Wait? Didn’t Walt act like a angel in front of both his son and the cops just to make Skyler look crazy this exact episode?


True but it literally took her finding every lie that Walt told for him to realize he should just tell the truth. She wanted to talk a while ago but Walt never decided to tell the truth so it’s hypocritical to ask her to give him the same courtesy when she knows never did.


Ngl I understand you guys hating Skylar’s every move but you guys have to be fair on both fronts. Walter has given Skylar every reason to hate him due to his lying and drug dealing. She wanted to talk a while back and Walt lied to her again and again so giving him that same courtesy that she gave Ted who came out right away with his explanation with not much issue changes how she views both situations. I do not agree with the cheating part one bit but I feel like you already have her as the worst character before this. Her giving Ted more leeway than Walt isn’t really hypocritical when they are two completely different situations with different contexts.


Steph said it, she belongs to the streets 😂


Walt didn’t “act” like a angel. Besides his drug dealing and especially with his kids he’s the most basic good guy dad ever. And he’s GENUINELY a loving dad. He did however play it up because he seriously thinks he’s justified and is in denial about why he’s still in the business.


Irrelevant to my argument because as Steph made it clear she was already falling out of love with walt before finding out about the drug dealing. Compared to ted who now is starting to love and is helping him with his tax invasion. I get you are a skyler fan but the show writers put these details in the show for a reason. Everyone is flawed



Arnav Mekala

Yo how did this episode get so many comments!


Lmaooo you could tell this was a Skyler episode by the number of comments.


Y’all face when she kissed him 😂


She aint cheating, she wants out of the relationship and Walter is holding her hostage.

Slippin’ Billy

No matter what people think of Skyler from a morality standpoint (she is so much better than 90% of the rest of the main cast) she’s still an integral point of the show and what makes the drama as powerful as it is. She’s important and an extremely well written and acted character


I don't get why you're going on about Skyler not loving her husband anymore as if it's a big revelation. She literally broke up with him several episodes ago; it's nothing new. :P


Walt: Chokes a man to death after keeping him locked up worse than a prisoner, going as far as kidnapping him to lock him up again after he tried to escape Blows up some random dude's car just because he was a douche CONSTANTLY lies and emotionally manipulates his family Is heavily involved in the drug and manufacturing business which negatively impacts at least hundreds of people Steals a barrel of methylamine Straight up cooks up ricin (incredibly illegal, even if it was only intended for Tuco) Watches a young girl literally choke to death and all he can do is coldly stare The general public: He's doing it for his family Skyler: Has consensual sex with another man after very clearly telling her drug-dealing husband that their relationship is over The general public: WTF SKYLER The more I rewatch this show, the more I can't believe how much people take Walt's side, but I guess that's the point. He's spent the entire show so far just gaslighting everyone into thinking he's just a provider wanting the best for his family. I mean hell, I saw someone here call Walt a great father who just deals a little drug on the side LMAOOOO