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"Even if I can't win on my own..." That line and scene gave me those old MHA feels ngl

Sam JoyBoy

Steph and Mel I've been wondering, why are you always watching the preview for the next episode, I know you've always been doing that for MHA. But since you're doing reaction, why do you choose to not go blind in it. Personnaly I've always felt, like it was more interesting to watch an episode without having a hint of what will happen. I would love to hear you're opinion about it, here or even in your podacast.


That Vanishing Fist was SOOOOOOOOOO clean!!!


Imo previews are meant to hype u for the next episode. Its like watching a trailer for a new movie or tv show about to release. By your definition if u watched the trailer you would be spoiling yourself cuz its not a true blind reaction. All trailers show hints to plot points and action sequences but I can tell u I bet most everyone in the world still watches a trailer for things that interest them. Just think of previews for next episodes as mini trailers to tv shows, nothing more than increasing the hype.


You guys remember when Deku was fighting Overhaul? Basically Tomura is doing the same thing to stay airborne, using air pressure from his movements. Also thats how hes blocking Endeavors attacks it looks like. Blasting them away with air pressure. What I dont get is how the regeneration quirk still works with Aizawa there... or was he regenerating before he got there? Eh I dont remember

Sam JoyBoy

Well a trailer for a new movie, tv show or even a season of MHA is here to hype you up so that you buy it and watch it, and by the time you do watch it, you almost forgot what was in the trailer. To be honest when I watch a trailer for a movie it's mostly to be sure, I won't be wasting my time for something I don't like. Whereas previews I don't need to watch them because I know I'm going to keep watching the show, so I want to keep watching it as blind as possible. A preview for the next episode, just spoils you the direction the show is taking, for example with this preview Steph and Mel know that part of Momo's plan will succeed, and they won't have the same amount of tension has if they were going in it blind because they know it won't be a complete failure, to me it doesn't increase or kill the hype, but it does diminish the element of surprise and tension this show or other have to offer.


Anesthesia is banned because heroes are realistically only a step above cops in terms of what they do, you can’t have government employees going around drugging people, especially when you could easily kill someone depending on the dosage


I think he can only erase 1 quirk per body so he can erase multiple quirks as long as each one is in a different body. Well that's how I see it anyway.

Sam JoyBoy

Nardoc, Aizawa erased every quirk Shiragaki has in his repertoire, so this include regeneration. The only thing still avaible to him, is his super strengh, which is not a quirk. HeavyMayo, Aizawa just needs to see you to erase your quirk, doesn't matter if you have 1 or 10, he will erase all your quirks.


It’s kinda like how all might was never really flying but just jumping and moving through the air lol that’s what he’s doing in this