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Passive Perks:

  • Wyrmscale: as a great wyrm, Blackcinders only takes 30% damage from attacks.
  • Overwhelming Strength: Blackcinders’ natural attacks, including her breath, ignore all forms of Resistance and damage resistance.
  • Dragon Lifeforce (Space): Blackcinders is an ancient dragon adapted to the void between stars. She is immune to Darkness, Frost, Critical Hits, Ailments and Insta-death effects. She does not need to breathe to survive. Finally, she does not suffer from the negative effects of Fields and Weather conditions.
  • War Dragon: Blackcinders is a dragon hardened by countless battles. She possesses perfect proficiency (x3 damage, +30% Crit) with all her natural weapons, her breath included.
  • Murderous Impulse: Blackcinders’ killing intent grants her a +20% accuracy bonus when she attacks a lower-level target.
  • Overwhelming Aura: Blackcinders inflicts [Terror] on all lower-level creatures in her presence unless they possess sufficient Charisma. Creatures who manage to resist the aura are forever immune to it.
  • Sharpened Bloodthirst: A high-functioning psychopath, Blackcinders combines savage bloodthirst with cold-blooded self-control. She is constantly under a [Berserk] effect granting her empowered damage and immunity to other mental effects, but this does not impact her judgment unless she is brought to critical health; in which case she loses her mind to [Berserk] rage.
  • Unity General: As a Unity general, Blackcinders can command any non-sentient Gearsmen. Her orders take precedence over any other directive, except that come directly from Grandmaster Wyrde.
  • Turbo: Mythic: Blackcinders’ [Mythic] elemental attacks bypass Resistance and inflict 30% more damage.

Active Perks:

  • Gamma Breath: 0 SP, [Light], [Mythic]. After charging up for a short time, Blackcinders can unleash a devastating breath of cosmic rays (base power 500, [Light]/[Mythic]; proficiency applies). This attack ignores the target’s Vitality and damage resistance during damage calculation, but not Immunities.
  • Meteor Shower: 100 SP, [Earth], [Physical]. Blackcinders summons a powerful [Meteor Shower] weather condition for ten minutes over a large radius, which causes meteors to fall over at random; impact inflicts heavy [Earth]/[Physical] damage.
  • Heavy G: 100 SP, [Physical], [Mythic], [Support]. Blackcinders creates a gravity well over an area for ten minutes. Those trapped in the area have their [Float] effects canceled, their Agility halved, and can hardly jump. Additionally, falling projectiles will have their power doubled. Blackcinders is unaffected by [Heavy G], but can only create one such zone at once.
  • Zero G: 100 SP, [Physical], [Mythic], [Support]. Blackcinders negates gravity over an area for ten minutes. Individuals within the area benefit from a permanent [Float] effect, but can only control their course by bouncing off a solid surface. Blackcinders cna only create one Zero G area at once.
  • Graviforce: 100 SP, [Physical], [Mythic]. Blackcinders pushes everything within her vicinity at high speed. While the attack itself isn’t damage in itself, any collision will inflict heavy [Physical] damage (base power varies).
  • Gravipull: 100 SP, [Physical], [Mythic]. Blackcinders pulls anything within her line of sight towards her with gravitational forces. While the attack itself isn’t damage in itself, any collision will inflict heavy [Physical] damage (base power varies).
  • Overgear: 50 SP, [Metal], [Support]. Though not an [Artificial] creature herself, Blackcinders’ cybernetic implants let her buff all her stats and gain the [Hasten] status for 10 minutes.
  • Big Bang: 200 SP, [Light], [Fire]. Blackcinders creates a sphere of focused starlight that violently explodes on impact (300 base power, [Light]/[Fire]). The blast ignores Resistance, but not Immunities.
  • Dark Matter: 200 SP, [Darkness], [Frost]. Blackcinders creates dozens of bubbles of dark matter around herself, which then violently burst in blasts of dark energy (50 base power per bubble, [Frost]/[Darkness] damage); 50% chance to [Blind]. The explosions ignore the target’s Vitality.


A/N: your very friendly neighbor dragon and bane of Bulgaria by Dinovoila ;) her original nickname was stellar tyrant in my early drafts rather than star tyrant, so I kept it in the bestiary entry.

Next entries will be some of the party's final forms. Enjoy. 



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