Simon's Solve of Sumgeons & Diagrams (Patreon)
Simon had an absolute blast with this brilliant mash-up of sudoku and Dungeons & Diagrams from sunnyjum. The rules are fine IF you're familiar with Dungeons & Diagrams logic game. (They are implemented perfectly in this puzzle).
Play the puzzle at the link below:
Simon's solve:
Normal sudoku rules apply. Normal Dungeons & Diagrams rules apply - circles are monsters, squares are treasure chests. Treasure rooms are 3x3 magic squares (arrange the digits 1-9 once each so that all rows, columns and diagonals sum to the same number).
Numbers outside the grid are sandwich sum clues NOT Dungeons & Diagrams clues! They indicate the total of the digits contained between the 1 and the 9 within their row or column. In sandwich sum rows/columns the cells containing the 1 and 9 are wall cells and all cells between them are path cells. Cells outside of the 1 and 9 may be either type. Each orthogonally connected group of wall cells form a killer cage. Digits may not repeat in a cage and all cages in the grid sum to the same total.
Dungeons & Diagrams rules reminder: Each cell is either a path or a wall. All path cells form a single orthogonally connected region. Treasure chests are located in 3x3 treasure rooms (made of path cells). The treasure chest is not necessarily in the middle of the treasure room. Every treasure room has a single path cell connecting to it. Monsters sit on dead end path cells and cannot be inside treasure rooms. Cells without monsters may not contain a dead end. No 4 path cells (except those in treasure rooms) may form a 2x2 square.