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Heyo! Unfortunately Girl's Night will be taking a one-week break, work on comms and preparing for the Thanksgiving holiday ate up the time I had allotted myself to work on it this week. It will be returning next Wednesday. In it's place, have this!

So, the "IN-FAT-UATION Hana meets Donut Delinquent Hana" was the clear favorite for the poll from the very start, so I admittedly started working on it a little bit before the poll actually closed lmao. 

Approaching a character reference from years ago is an interesting task lol. I tried to stay true to her original appearance while still drawing her in my "modern" style. I think it worked out well. Really makes one realize how far they've come as an artist! 

Hana's been an interesting case over the nearly four years I've had her around, going from what was admittedly just a background goon for Kimi to the star of the show. Her star quickly started rising , surpassing the other goon (Yui) when it came to popularity and attention. You can even see in IN-FAT-UATION how she started getting more and more screen time (Even a side chapter, one that was supposed to focus on both her and Yui but wound up focusing on her more.) 

Now here she is, more prominent than any of my other girls, replacing Kimi in the love traingle story I've been trying to tell for nearly four years now lmao. 

If you haven't read my original comic IN-FAT-UATION, you can check it out here. It's a cliche cringefest with pretty rough art, but you can see the building blocks that eventually formed Donut Delinquent all these years later. Hell, I've even replicated some scenes directly, as you can see with this week's Girl's Night page!  

I suppose this is also quite fitting, as this week Donut Delinquent has officially surpassed IN-FAT-UATION's page count! It's taken two years compared to the six months, but I burned myself out pretty quickly there. 


I've got a big announcement planned for the holiday tomorrow, see you then! 



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