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Hey guys! Just wanted to pop in and give an update on my current situation. 

So, the big cross-country move I've been talking about went smoothly! I'm mostly settled in now, and was intending on having a Donut Delinquent update ready for you guys, albeit a small one...

...and then I find out a Tropical Storm is heading straight towards me!

I'm well prepared and live in an area with a low flood risk so I don't want to worry anyone about my safety, but this has of course delayed me being able to do any art the past 48 hours or even get my internet properly turned on, which I hope you all understand. (posting this via wifi hotspot on my phone lol)

So yeah! Gonna go ahead and delay the next Donut Delivery a week. Should be able to make something by then,  Mother Nature willing. The remaining poll-art for September is still scheduled and ready to go, with the Prego Pinup coming this Wednesday! The October art poll (that's right, singular) will also be going up then, and it's gonna be a fun one I think. 

Thank you for your continued support! Thanks for all the great comments on my last couple pieces, I've been a lot more confident in my work as of late, and I'm glad it seems to be showing through. 

See you on the other side of the storm! ^_^



You don’t need to be told this, but stay safe, mate.