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Just wanted to give you guys a little update since April is ending and payday is rolling around the corner...

It's been a little over a week since I posted the last page of IN-FAT-UATION, as I'm sure you've noticed (it's still being lined, I'm hoping to have it posted Tuesday or Wednesday). I've also yet to post the monthly NSFW pinup for April, and the month is nearly out (I'm gonna try and have this done soon as well) The reason why these have been delayed? Those dreaded words, which I'm sure you guys are getting sick of...

I've just been really busy.

Now thankfully, I've been busy for good reasons this time around. Instead of illnesses and family drama keeping me away from the keyboard, it's been me preparing to start a job. ( I mentioned in the last page of IN-FAT-UATION I posted on Deviantart)This is big for me, as I have autism and employment has always been... rough for me. But I've found a good work environment, one that I think I'll be comfortable in and able to thrive in, which is a miracle for me.

But you guys are paying to see me draw thicc chicks, not give excuses about why I can't, no matter if they're good or bad ones lol. Hopefully once I get settled into the job, things will speed back up, but I'm not gonna promise that, as my update schedule here tends to get slower and slower despite my best optimism... and trust me, nobody is more unhappy about that than me. In the coming weeks/months I might change a few things around here like phase out the $5 and $20 tiers to lessen my workload and stress, but I'm not setting anything in stone yet.

Right now, I intend to get all this stuff done by Satuday:


2. April NSFW pinup (for my $5 Patrons)

3. sketch request (for my one $20 Patron)

After that, I'll continue to chug along with IN-FAT-UATION, do May's NSFW pinup early this time around, and a bunch of other stuff (which you all will get exclusive on Patreon for at least a week before I post on Deviantart)! Despite starting this job, I'd still like May to be a big month for me on here and the rest of the fat community, as it's my one year anniversary of drawing fat art! Thank you to all who continue to support me, and if you ever feel like my update schedule has gotten too bad or anything like that, I 100% understand if you unfollow or stop pledging! Thanks for reading!


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