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Ya'll have seen how Kimi and Lisbeth have expanded in the past two months... Now for everyone else! Hana and Yui have been hard at work stuffing themselves in preparation for the big MeowMeowMicah concert... and so has a new addition to the cast, Sakura Okimoto!

Now, she's not really "new", I snuck her into the last page of the previous chapter (she was the one who pushed Hana and Yui into the swimming pool, remember?) but this is more of a proper introduction for her. She's the gyaru type, tanning her skin and dying her hair bright colors (she's naturally got pale skin and black hair). She's also a total westaboo. Y'know weaboos, the types absolutely obsessed with Japanese culture? Well Sakura here is obsessed with American culture, therefore a "west"aboo lol.

She was gonna be a major character in the story that predates IN-FAT-UATION, Tubby in Toyko, and in fact was the prototype for Yui. Her character has evolved over time though to be completely different than said protoytype version, so I thought I could slap a new name on the old version and reintroduce her!

Sakura too has fallen for MeowMeowMicah's little advertising campaign was saw in the previous chapter (as has many girls across the region.) but she's not too fussed about gaining the weight, she just thinks it makes her look more american :p




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