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Hey Gamers,

I wanted to upload a new roadmap for you guys since the last one is no longer up-to-date. Currently we are busy with our second character and we are in the concep phase of a potential new game mode for PocketSweeties

Royal Princess
Let's start by talking about our second character Royal Princess. When we started the game I wanted to have Rouge The Bat in the game en Alternative-Pass wanted Royal Princess in the game. Thats why Royal Princess is our second character. Originally we thought on separating the futa and clothing update. But we are gonna try to have those all together when we release Royal Princess.
For this scene we want to add a pregant-mode as well. (We are looking if we can add the pregnant mode to Rouge as well)

3rd and 4th character
For our third character we are making a poll and then you guys can choose which character should be put in the game. The poll will contain around 6 characters that have been suggested in the comments and on Discord. I won't reveal all the girls who will be put in the poll. But I can tell you that Amy Rose and Toriel (Undertale) will be in the poll. The poll will be made somewhere this month.

The Dungeon
Now let's talk about the last and most exciting thing. We want to make a new gamemode called "The Dungeon" (temp title).

When we started the game I noticed something. Everyone was excitingly telling us what girls they wanted in the game. However it is not realistic for us to add all these great girls because making even one sexscene takes allot of time. But it made me think. How can we make a gamemode that is developer friendly, where we can easily add allot of girls and that has replay value.

Well the answer would be The Dungeon. The gamemode will feature girls stuck in walls in various scenarios. for example a gloryhole or a butt stuck in a wall. In each scene you will also see a picture of a girl ontop.

We have allot of great plans for this gamemode. But this is not something we have actively  started on just yet. We are still focussing on Royal Princess and will work on this gamemode as a side thing. Our focus for now will be on the main game and not The Dungeon.

Please let us know what you think of everything and i will try to answer all the questions you have.

Kind regards KeeBee and Alternate-Pass




The only game road map that I'm excited for