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Hey folks,

I just want to say thank you to everyone who purchased my brand-new comic, Mandrill vs The Powerpuff GIrls, from my Gumroad store. You've helped make it one of my most successful releases to date -- in less than a week, it's already outsold DC Futa, as well as the last two chapters of Never Insult a Repecki

As a way of saying thank you, I thought I could do one colorized page from the comic as a standalone pin-up. There are a ton of hot and steamy pages -- triple blowjobs, double-titfucks, you name it -- and there are more than 100 to choose from! And here's the rub: I want to give YOU the option to pick which one gets the color treatment. 

I won't make it an official poll, but I thought it could work like this -- Comment below with the page you'd like to see colorized. Or, if you agree with someone else's pick, simply Like their comment to cast your vote for that page. 

Make sense? Sound fun? I think it'll be fun. 




47 please! or 33.


47 please