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Hey there patrons,

Please enjoy this special teaser from the upcoming chapter Submission Agenda: Winner Takes All, featuring Carol Danvers -- now available as a $25 Limited-Time Tier!

Here's a brief synopsis:

With the X-Men scattered and the Fantastic Four destroyed, the Avengers are the last super-group left standing. Now, Miles strikes at the heart of the team, challenging the mighty Captain Marvel to a one-on-one bout. The arrogant superheroine takes the challenge, confident that she can make quick work of this punk kid. But Carol doesn't realize how much she truly stands to lose...

Pledge before Oct 31 to receive the full chapter on Nov 1!



kopis117 .

I've been meaning to ask, I didn't take the limited time offer last month so I was wondering - if I buy both for next month, do I loose access too then if I bring my pledge back down again?


Sorry, I don’t quite understand what you’re asking. If you pledge at the $45 for this month, you’ll receive two links on Nov 1 to the two chapters. Then you can lower yourself pledge back to the standard $5 or $7 level. Does that make sense?

kopis117 .

Right, sorry that was a bit unclear - what I am asking is if I pledged the 45 dollars in November then went back down to a 5 or 7 dollar pledge in December would I loose access to the captain marvel and madelyn prior works as well as whatever the limited time tier was in december?


Nope, you would not lose access! The links I’ll send out to people who pledge at that level are permanent download links.

kopis117 .

Ah I see. Thank you so much, sorry for all the questions.


No problem at all, happy to clear things up! I hope you'll consider subscribing.

kopis117 .

I think i will be.

kopis117 .

By the way, did you happen to see the wonder woman story I suggested - sorry if it was bad timing, I know you've got allot on your plate.


Oh yeah, cool idea! I love the concept of WW brainwashed and forced into a domestic setting, basically remade into everything she stood against. It reminds me of a similar fate that befell Swift from the Authority in one of the later Mark Millar story arcs. I would do the story a little differently from how you outlined it... I think I'd keep her completely ignorant of her former heroine identity, or only give her brief inklings sometimes when she sees stories on the news about Wonder Woman's disappearance. It would be really sick though to see her in an abusive marriage with a boorish drunk husband and a manipulative son, and then little by little reveal that it was all a plot by Dr. Psycho or one of the other mind-control villains. Maybe instead of trying to rejoin the JLA, she could meet other converted heroines at block parties or soccer games, so you get a sense that all the heroines are being taken down, and they are all living similarly miserable and unfulfilling lives.

kopis117 .

I like that, maybe a better way of integrating JL back into it. I dint actually picture the husband as brutish - though I can understand how he'd be pictured that way - was thought of picturing more of a disconnect between how the husband acts and what he says and the acts he had her perform or what she does when near him - like he will seem to genuinely call her honey and sweetheart whilst deepthroating her, mixed in with 1950's lingo like swell and gollly gee- maybe more brutish at the end when she comes close to learning her the truth. What did you think of the end bit, where she finds her Panties and learns about her son and then is coerced into sex?

kopis117 .

I never pictured her as being miserable - more anxious and scared as she's dimly aware of being manipulated by forces beyond her comprehension and eventually mind broke into the beleife that her role is to be fucked and bred and finding absolute joy in that.


I like the coercion from her son... I'd like it to be more drawn out, perhaps slowly over a timespan of weeks breaking her resistance, forcing her first into handjob, then BJ, then titfuck, before he finally fucks her


Yeah i can appreciate that too. I like the spooky angle of it, the feeling that something's not quite right, but she's also somewhat comfortable in her life, especially by the end when she's finally truly broken

kopis117 .

Thank you. I'm really really glad you found it interesting.

kopis117 .

Maybe the truth behind it is that its an alien organism like star conquerer or a cind collective Cult thing - and the father and son are actually the same person, same mind split over 2 bodies (or something)

kopis117 .

If it is any of her rouges would prefer it not be Dr. Psycho, never enjoyed the cliche of the one mind controlling and breakinggf women turning out to be hideous and repulsive as he is in most recognised versions - that's one of the many reasons I like your work.

kopis117 .

I get the appeal of the taboo of a mother son thing - wasn't sure where patreon stood on that now - but one of the things I thought was interesting about the idea is the complete surprise at the end - the reader gets used to and fixated on the idea of demeaning dominating sex with her husband thinking its the only abnormality in this otherwise idealic 1950s suburb but then at the end, the surprise that the son, whoose barely said anything throughout and seems kind of normal is also part of the perversion - and that twist finally breaks her all the way.