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Hey guys,

October is around the corner, which means pretty soon I'll be launching the new $10 tier, where I'll be featuring a second ongoing monthly storyline. In the poll I held last month, the clear favorite was Wonder Woman v. Doomsday. 

I thought it would be a good idea to start a post where people can ask their questions and get clarification on what this tier will entail. I'll start with some basic info: 

-The first post on the $10 tier will go up Oct 1, featuring the cover and first 5 pages of WW v Doomsday. 

-In November and beyond, pages will be posted in batches of 4-5 at a time, on the first of the month after pledges for the previous month have processed. This will work the same way as  Limited-Time Tiers have in the past (i.e. pledging in October grants you access to the Nov 1 posts, and so on). 

-I'll eventually hold a poll where patrons can vote on what story they want to see next on the $10 tier, as I'd like to see it continue into 2020 and beyond. 

Hopefully that's all clear. If you have any questions, please reach out and I'll be happy to clarify and explain anything at length. 






If we got the wonderwoman x doomsday reward level this month is there any added benefit to going 10 dollar level next month or will there be a new limited tier?


Only $10 tier can see the batch release? How about $7 tire?


Nope. You’ve already got the full chapter. This tier is for the people who would prefer to pay for the chapter over time rather than all at once.


That’s right, it will only be available on the $10 tier. Patrons at the $7 EXTRAS tier will still receive their rewards, but pledging at the $10 level will give you access to Main Feed content, Extras AND the second ongoing storyline


How come the Canadian tier is $25 a month for this one? I'm so confused?


It’s $25 to get it all at once, you can still do that before the end of this month. After Oct 1, the $10 tier starts


Thanks for the understanding Peg!