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Chris Davis

Heh heh, I like that Jon has a Big sword and Kumonga has a small cutlass. Overcompensation, as usual!

Miriam Garrity

Oh, this is going to be fun.... :)


Engaurde! Already the battle begins and Daenerys is looking mighty juicy in that last panel. Your lips have improved from the Cammy pages.


I kind of hope this won't have the same type of gruesome kills as the Darkseid series, but... well, it is Game of Thrones. Can't say it wouldn't fit, but I'm more into humiliation than snuff. We'll see. I love that Daenerys is already slipping into her new role, without realizing it.


Backgrounds looking nice. Cant wait for more

Miriam Garrity

+1 on that. I’d rather see Jon beaten and humiliated then forced to watch his Queen be taken and succumb willingly to Kumonga than to see him brutally killed.