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Tonight (8 June) at 7pm, Alex Hochuli will be talking about 'Ruling Class Hysteria' in Berlin. He'll be joined by David Broder (Jacobin) and Isabella Zamboni (Spike Magazine).

Venue: Spike Magazine, Rosa-Luxemburg-Straße 45 

Livestream: https://youtu.be/pKa_k2s-nJY

Tomorrow (9 June) at 7pm, Alex Hochuli will be talking about the end of modernisation, and hyperpolitics, in Munich. He'll be joined by Anton Jäger (historian of political thought) and Bernhard Pirkl (Jungle World, Konkret).

Venue: Café Mon in der Monacensia, Siebertstraße 2

The events are free, no reservation required. They will also be livestreamed, link to be posted here.



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