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Alpha 2 is out, all the planned content is there. New events: third one in Cait's new arc, and a small shower HJ scene with her. I also noticed a few issues with the full rollback, namely, timeskip and some fast travel routes are inconsistent when using roll back/forward, but it doesn't break the game itself as far as I'm aware. Haven't been able to fix those issues yet, will probably get the fix into the v0.4.2, maybe will backport it to 0.4.1b/r versions.

PC Alpha 2: MEGA 

MAC Alpha 2: MEGA 

Android Alpha 2: MEGA 


  • Full rollback support
  • New character arc for Cait starts
  • Cait-Rae event + repeatable studies
  • Cait-Naomi event + repeatable hangout
  • Another Cait-Rae event
  • Lyriel event
  • Rae can now be bent over the counter in the morning even when she's in her regular clothing
  • Shower handjob with Cait


  • New Cait events will appear in the app
  • Event 1 - visit library when Rae and Cait appear there
  • Event 2 - find Naomi and Cait in the front door in evening
  • Event 3 - walk into the library when Rae and Cait are there
  • Lyriel's event - walk through the hall when she's having a bath on the first floor
  • Rae's clothed variant - after finishing her second cooking event find her in the morning when she's cooking something, new option will appear
  • Cait's shower HJ - after receiving a HJ in your room once, visit her in the shower in the morning, new option will appear

Plain text links:

PC:  https://mega.nz/#!ENdkiCZK!HcatGyG9P7vurmT7H7eNP_JktzpB_jUPUvKK_MTAYjU 

MAC: https://mega.nz/#!tMdAyYBS!2864MNs9iUsOgf8dx2ovoFOc6ZLcRfjbObqw0MK623I

Android: https://mega.nz/#!IJU2RAAa!9Wm0RheEtG325uGCtH7QmVIRqNTetvCvUDaRL8AtVt8 


Chet Congo

Think I could speak for a bunch of people in that custom CGs shouldn't stop game updates from progressing. You shouldn't stress about them so much.


That's not really the case, custom CGs don't take up that much time, I just always push them back when I'm behind on public-facing stuff. This particular batch of CGs should've been done almost a month ago. v0.4.x delays are completely my fault.