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Hey folks!

After a month the v0.4.0 is finally out in alpha, yaay! I am unhappy with basically everything, but that’s practically a given by now. So let’s talk about the delay, what I’m going to do about it, what’s coming up and all that stuff.

So, the delay. The build was delayed for two weeks, in other words, one whole update have gone missing. That sucks, and I’m sorry for that. I lot of reasons for this delay. As I said in dev update 2 I basically wasted one week, then I was fixing and updating 0.3.8, then new environments, lots of bugs with the new scheduling features, lots of multi-character events, yadda yadda yadda. Those are reasons, not excuses, mind. I know it’s me who’s screwing up.

So, what I’m going to do about it? Really, it always comes down to planning. I know that multi-character events take a lot of time. I know that sometimes I have to tweak environments if something clashes with the event script. I know that rehauling big systems will always bring out some bugs. So, my belated New Year resolutions. No more mixing big story pushes with big game features or big code changes. No more unrealistic schedules, next major version, I’m going to warn everyone in advance that it’s going to take 3+ weeks. If in doubt, going to make another intermediate update with some new stuff and behind-the-scenes work. Having a minor release with some new animations and a bit of banter while I’m working on larger stuff is going to feel much better than just reading about delays week after week. 

Alrighty, with that out of the way for now, new stuff. Finishing two new animated repeatables for v0.4.0 alpha 2. One is teased below. Maybe will be able to fit in some new in-game gallery pics, but only if I have time.

I have very vague plans for v0.4.1 at the moment. Had to bin some ideas, they just didn’t gel with the direction the elf-girl story ended up going. It’s probably going to be one or two route events, at least one for the elf girl, and with the new scheduling system I can finally add some group side events that I wanted to add for a long time.Going to start with one such event, maybe will add a second one if everything goes super smoothly. And some new lewds, relatively minor stuff, same acts in other places, that sort of thing.

Next week I’m going to start the big feature poll I promised you earlier. Weekend CG set is probably happening, but can’t say for sure now. 

Teaser time! First three are from the current alpha version, and the last one is from the aforementioned new repeatable. See you soon!


Gene Smith

Taking your time and acknowledging delays or setbacks is FAR better than abandoning the project. Your work has been top quality and I for one will not penalize you for not attaining your far reaching goals as fast as you would like.

Gerard Alba

it's still not available for 5$ patreon, isn't it?


Not yet, it's in alpha right now, will go to beta in a week, and to $5 early access before the end of the month.


I haven't played this since 0.3.3b. 0.4 is where im gonna dive back in and see all the changes and new content. Looking forward to it.