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Hi everyone,

First of all, thank you so much for your support, and if you've pledged for more than one month, your continued support!  I'm very grateful.

It occurs to me, however, that I don't know much about why people are supporting this Patreon, and it would probably be useful information to know this, so I can cater the content better.

So I hope this is not too annoying, but I'd really value your opinions on why you decided to pledge.  I've offered some choices, but if you feel like none apply to you, please feel free to leave a comment about why you decided to offer your support.  I will have a follow-up poll asking what content you'd like to see going forward, but I think this poll will be a good starting point.

So without further ado, I wanna know:  "Why are you supporting me on Patreon?"  ( You may select any options that apply )



Your tutorials jumpstarted my drawing journey but I was incredibly interested in your Pointy Chins series and how you progess as an artist. Even though I consider you a teacher, I like how you also document your struggles and how you deal with them. And you are a pretty funny dude ao that is why I pledged. I can't wait for more Pointy Chins Sycra!!


Hey Sycra! There are various reasons why I support you on Patreon: First and foremost, I appreciate the general openness and honesty in your content. This is in contrast to most other content on YT which focuses on making yourself feel good about yourself, entertainment and instant gratification - which I would not say is bad per se, but there is just a lack of people on YT speaking their minds and providing true advice, even if it is uncomfortable. Second, I like your podcasts especially because Bob, Flavia and you complement each other so well, leading to insightful and entertaining conversations. Third, there is already a huge backlog of content on your YT channel which I feel is worth paying for (since it goes back a long way and gives a lot of insight into your growth as an artist). I feel I want to give something back to you for that. Also I enjoy podcasts that do not require me to watch the video, as that way I have something to listen to while drawing. After all you convinced me that the key to becoming a better artist is drawing a lot, not watching the right tutorials. ;) Another reason is that being more of an analytical person myself, I feel your approach caters to people of the analytical sort who picked art as their target of ambition vs. people who just couldn't help doing it and the question of why and how never occured for them. So all things considered, I enjoy the Pointy Chins and Sycralogical Problems Podcasts, but I am looking forward to whatever you will come up with. I also enjoy watching your drawing tutorials, but those are not the primary reason for me supporting you. :)