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Decryption key (if needed): A3u9RWuLMimVif72leSCnJRG2CbPPUxgNVmRIolZrr0

It's been a while, mainly because I was still waiting for some last CGs to arrive, but it's finally here! Please PM me here on my Patreon for any bugs you find.


-Added the Pyramid Kingdom
-Changed the font to something that suits the new extended dialogue options better (and is more pleasing to the eye personally)
-Submitting to the Twins now correctly betrays Katrina

Changes from EA:
-Added post-victory story
-You can no longer enter the Catacombs without first receiving Raa's quest
-Added missing Lost mummy
-Unlocked Anubis room and added his boss battle
-Added and replaced all "loved one" CGs
-Added "Last Soul Shard" scene
-Added enslavement content
-Slightly reduced Sun Goddess healing effect
-Sun Goddess now procs every 8 turns instead of 6
-Music now correctly plays faster when entering Raa's second battle phase
-Raa will no longer call you an insolent worm every single time you attack her


780.75 MB file on MEGA



How do you get the Rosita giantess scene? I've tried lots of separate things but none seem to work. Is it because the offer soul shard scene is broken?


Is Raa's right door (Assuming her bedroom door) supposed to lead to nothing and teleporting you back to the main room? And I get not being able to not access Raa's Catacombs without first receiving the quest, but couldn't it have been done in a way that doesn't make you go out of bounds? I guess while I'm at it, Franziska still doesn't have her urethra insertion scene. Not sure if this one is an oversight since Rosita was fixed.


I think the fetish tracking isnt working


Nvm I just found out that save was broken, its fixed now.


I don't see the enslavement option after defeating Katrina. Is it a bug or a feature?