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TLDR: Early Access on May 25th. Full release in June.

Baaliths are minor succubae that populate Ruby's Inferno in great numbers, particularly the Circle of Lust. We have designed a couple of them by hand, taking Shakie's previous designs as templates to build upon. The above succubus, along with her sprite, is drawn by pen using one of Shakie's works as a base + some inpainting on the harder areas. While we're still working on our art, we are quite proud of the work we've done here, both on the pen and on Photoshop, and we'd like to share it.

In other news, due to the increasing size of the last few Domina additions, we've decided to release new Dominas in 2 parts. This allows us to truly give each Domina the amount of work she deserves, without having updates take way too long. On this new schedule, you can expect a new Domina update every 1.5 - 2 months, as originally planned. Ruby's first batch of content will drop as an Early Access on the 25th of May, which is 10 days from now, and will contain content roughly the size of Rosita's realm. The full release will come later in June, after we're sure all bugs have been ironed out.



John Nacoo

Is Early Access ready? How could I get the download link

哲 张
