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Hi everyone, 

  • If you've unpledged/don't plan to for next month to get the game update. When it is complete I will upload it into this online folder: [Link Removed as new month] (If I find this link is shared it will change and unfortunately waste my time pming everyone a new one. So please don't!)

Unfortunately I've run into some problems that I've tried everything to find fixes for but cannot. The above video shows off some of them and some of the basic mechanics. Basically I'm going to delay the release to spend more time refining and having to change the way the event works. This is mostly because of the lag/stutter, and hitbox issues in the above video example. I estimate about 2 weeks at this stage up to 15th of August. The original way the event works is supposed to let you run around as a Male or Female tiny helping Tsumi with her playtime. The speed increases depending on how excited she is and how wet she would get randomly which then changes to being stuck to her finger if you touched it. There's no sound/pics/vaginal animations, and just debug stuff in the video because I still want some things to be a surprise. But due to the massive lag/stutter of the finger when you move around, I'm going to have to change it to maybe NOT allow you to move about and make it more cinematic instead :( I want to still allow you to run around inside massaging the walls to help her but I need extra time to figure out what to do now as I didn't expect not to work out a fix by now.

I'm really sorry about this, it took me 2 weeks to find a fix to stop the stutter of the finger whenever it moved alone. And to do that I had to do it in a complicated way I try to avoid because of issues and time it caused me in GSim. This way is also another reason why I haven't recreated the Ramen event with that many options. It's a lot to remember and if one thing breaks then it takes me a long time to try find what's wrong.

In other news, I've got Dani & Ajia's voice actresses giving me some files back for a few audio logs so they'll go in the game next update as they were due on the 29th. And Garrisen is helping me with some more images to help make this event better especially as it's most likely going to have to change outright. So just hang onto this email/mega link and when the update's out and if you've unpledged then you won't need to pay extra just to get it. I'll keep the link up for 2 weeks to a month and post in the GC/Eka's threads when the updates out. There's far too many people for me to track to send the link to in pm and it would take me an entire day just to find everyone and make sure I haven't missed anyone.


Tsumi VagEvent Problems



Updated link, accidentally sent to wrong tier.