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Hand doctor thinks the pain is neuropathic. He wants to redo the nerve test I had in late May, since he says that not enough time had passed after the first day of that injury for the nerve test to be accurate. He also said that the MRI should have been done with contrast because the thing he looks for can only be seen with contrast. He pressed all over my hand and never gave me any pain except for the one area I told him about, and even that wasn't severe pain. He said that it must be really deep.  He told me he knows I'm not crazy and he believes me.  He said we'll get to the bottom of this.  The new nerve test is scheduled for the 15th of August, but if they have a cancellation they will call me. I wish I had more to report. Stay tuned for further developments.
Thanks, guys.


Mr. Metzger

At least he's got an idea what's going on, I think that *is* some important progress.

Shon Richards

Finding the right doctor is half the battle! I'm glad you are making progress.