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Needless to say I've been working non-stop on ep20. Many things are done but there is still a long way to go.

For now I finished posing 8 scenes(from those around 400 renders are done - this are not all), modeled two new locations, posed 13 or so animations - 3 lewd scenes (i think 17 anim are finished rendering - number is higher couse of different angles)

All of this is more then half posing done for now. Unless I decide to add another lewd scene lol

For Bonus scene I worked on 3d modeling only for now, one location and some props. I still need to do another full location and ofcourse pose and render everything.

This one is gonna huge for my standards. I think I'll need to release it in two parts, but we'll see. I've been working on the scenes kinda in order this time, so it might be possible to release it in two parts. But, we'll see lol



Bob Fink

Sounds like ep20 is going to be awesome! I can't wait!

Huw Gryffin

For me, personalities included, Renee is the loveliest, then Tammy with Jenna a very close third. Thanks a bunch, mp_7!! Can't wait for the next episode, but don't rush it, please.