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Big things! 2 new animations are done. One is 55 frame and the other is 292 frames!

That was the one that took almost 3 weeks to finish. Just insanity!

3D modeling, as you can from th screenshots, we did a lot. Kamasutra resort is highlighted to show how much bigger the whole asset is.

Another location is fully done, we will post previews at some point. And also naother location is in the works!

Writing is almost near end! Johnny made some insane gold scenes! It's gonna be insane as well, Just keep getting better.

3 scenes are posed and waiting for rendering! Curentlly we are rendering another longer animation. After that one the "normal" renders can starts, then coding and all that good stuff.


Doug Olafsen

I actually tried uploading something using mega. I just kept opening files. I guess if I just had a file to upload. Im not normally this helpless.

Doug Olafsen

Thank you for the link. Excited to see the new stuff.!!!