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First off, I can't apologize enough for the delay in the production this reward! As previously mentioned, I started a new job once again towards the end of September, and have been working very hard to keep it - as such, I've had to basically drop everything and focus on said job at the behest of multiple people close to me. I've had very little time to do anything in the way of art and commissions especially, but I promise I'll get to the ones I owe people and especially the ones that were paid off in advance (it's a long story)! Part of the reason for the delay of this reward was in fact one such commission, which was a very long, spooky story that I needed to have completed in time for Halloween this year. If you want to give it a read, "A Haunt of a Jaunt" is available on both my DeviantArt and my NSFW Blogger!

And speaking of NSFW stuff, this is my first attempt at a NSFW reward piece, and I think I pulled it off pretty well! The character selected for last month's reward was Edward Elric from FullMetal Alchemist, and it shouldn't have surprised me that the moment I put him on the poll, a lot of people wanted tickles of him, despite the fact that the only exposure I've ever had to this series was the live-action movies which... weren't that good in the eyes of some friends I know, though I personally thought they were entertaining on their own. Then again, I haven't had the time to see either iterations of the anime (though I really, really want to - I just need to do it when I'm not as busy IRL), so I can't really judge how much the movies stack against it. Oh well. While I considered aging up the version of Edward that appears throughout most of the series, given that this is an 18+ pic and all, a friend of mine (and a certified FMA enjoyer and canon expert) was kind enough to point me to a canon instance of him as an adult, from the epilogue of FullMetal Alchemist: Brotherhood (screencaps here and here). I hope I made it clear enough that it's that particular version of Edward portrayed here, though I apologize for spoiling those of you who haven't seen it regarding the state of Edward's arms! I also considered having one of my OCs be repurposed as the tickler, but the same friend of mine also pointed out that there is a nonzero probability of Lust showing up again after some very spoilery events during the series proper, so I figured it would be nice to try drawing her as well; I may have to attach a spoiler warning in the final reward piece once it's posted regardless, though! (Oh, and before you ask: I will make it clearer in the final pics that Ed's one good foot is much bigger than normal here because Lust, for obvious reasons, decided to tweak his anatomy a bit with her own use of alchemy. Hey, it could happen!)

It was fun to really cut loose for my first-ever 18+ reward, and I certainly had a good time re-learning the process of drawing certain anatomical features, but I'm sadly not oblivious to the somewhat sketchy attitude this site has adopted on and off with respect to NSFW artists in general. Hopefully you guys will have the foresight to download this collection (and all the other exclusive rewards I've posted here) for private archival (though it should be obvious that reposting them publicly will lead to me instantly blocking and reporting you), because I won't be surprised if I end up getting a takedown request over this within the next few days. :(

Either way, the final version of this piece - hopefully including the nude and super-lewd versions, should it be safe to post them - will be available on Friday, November 11!




Skaea doing a nsfw piece?! Incredible 😳