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Heya peeps hope all is well with everyone! I have something I'd like to share with you all regarding the next series

So similar to private School of inner Beauty I've had another idea floating and developing in my head for a few months now that I'd like to give a whirl but I know you guys like to have options as well so I'll toss this idea out here and if you like it all enough I'll make it the next $10 comic but if you'd prefer the have several ideas to vote on then that'll be fine too!

Basically here's the synopsis:

Set in the Pokemon world but not the main focus, a high ranking member of Team Rocket has been secretly developing a device that'll capture the legendary Pokemon Mewtwo so he himself can claim the glory from Giovanni alone. His plan works and he captures Mewtwo but instead of turning him in he gives him a chance at freeing himself by demanding Mewtwo to transfer some of his psychic powers and vast intelligence to him as it's something he has admired about the Pokemon since he first knew about him. Mewtwo agrees reluctantly and transfers his powers to him. However the process takes it's time to fully adapt to his body given the vast strength of Mewtwos powers and as he finds himself getting stronger and more intelligent as the days go on, he finds his body also has to adapt to the changes and starts having...side effects to try and contain his new psychic powers as his normal male body cannot contain Mewtwos powers so his body starts to change and develop into something, voluptuous to contain this power.

This'll be similar to My Makeshift Daughter in terms of a slow burner TG but if you like the idea, let me know and I'll make this the next TG comic.



Ohh, a little MewTwo TF in there as well, or just TG?


In a way yeah! Certain aspects of his features will be implemented into the female design but here's a little teaser for you. Mewtwo has rather large thighs. He may or may not inherit those thighs ;)


I like the idea but can we get more then just one person getting TG like his parter Pokémon also got some power and turning into a sexy Pokémon looking girl.

Cole jones

I'm assuming this comic would take my bimbo academia's place when it moves to Fridays?


Oh I like that idea I'll see how I can develop that if the idea is green lit by the folks!


Correct! If this wins the poll once One piece ends MBA II will move to Fridays and this will take the place on the original $10 comic days being Monday and Wednesdays

Shayne Scott

I love this idea! Everything Pokemon is awesome!


I like the idea, however currently another major tg artist is releasing a tg comic set in the Pokémon world. So I think releasing this tg comic could be either good or bad timing? Idk maybe I'm overthinking it.


Nah I wouldn't worry about it I imagine tons of TG artists are always using Pokemon as a story idea so I don't think any time would be a good or bad time. Plus whilst it's set in the Pokemon universe there won't be the usual characters that get TGed like Ash Gary and James etc so hopefully it'll be different enough :)


to be honest i just want another sires like sisterly brother