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Day 4 - Broken Relations

The girls are totally stunned by what they just saw but Nasu is the one who breaks down in tears seeing Tesu die in front of her. Almost as if she had something special with her too.

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Sam Mann

Turns out they kicked orphaned puppies into an open manhole together. Really sad when you loose a hobby buddy. Seriously, nothing this comic can say will make me feel bad for a group of girls that make the Manson Family look like the Brady Bunch.

Rose Graham

I just want to see them finally pay and get layed the SmackDown on.


They do look like sisters. Nice work as always!


Boohoo, so you got your sister to help you humiliate a woman.

Riley Holloway

A bit extreme, but they wandered into this themselves through how they treated her, even though i believe no one had to die


Wondering if this somehow makes them sympathetic. Still wondering. NOPE!