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Hi guys and gals I hope we are all doing well this month!

It's with a heavy heart that I sadly have had to come to the decision that I'll have to postpone this months NSFW comic idea until March. Due to several hindrances this month, the main being my landlords wanting to sell the place I am living at, I am currently rushing round trying to find and prep a new place that's affordable whilst checking out said houses in person whilst trying to juggle the reminder of this months work ONTOP of this being the shortest month of the year makes this a very difficult thing to fit in the NSFW comic right now.

I heavily apologise for this. If it wasn't for the fact Feb was such a short month it might have been possible but everything has happened at the worst possible time so it's sadly the only realistic route I can take without falling apart lol.

Naturally for the people who are on the $1 tier who are pledged specifically for the nsfw comic, you are more than welcome to private message me for your $1 refund for this month but rest assured things will return to normal in March and we'll get to work on the 'Beta Tester App' comic!

Thank you all for understanding! I do hope you enjoy everything I have to offer despite the changes to this annoyingly short month.

Stay sexy!


Skippy Hugo

Isn't there are pause feature so it doesn't charge for a certain period of time?

Cole jones

It's ok real life comes first and I hope you are able to find a new place in time. Also does this mean the comic for this month with be the comic for next month or will we get 2 comics next month?


I believe there is but it's for everyone pledged to Patreon. I don't think there's a way to filter who doesn't get charged. Plus since the money has already been taken for those who pledged this month anyways freezing the payment wont matter anyways so it's why I am happy just doing refunds for those who want it


Np, of all the Patreon’s I’ve been apart of, you’re the only one that has daily updates, it’s impressive, shit happens and you still manage to put out daily comics 💪


Thanks! For now it'll be a matter of moving this months comic to March with no extra comic but depending on how long this moving situation takes I'll have to see

Cole jones

Ok just wanted to know but if it is just the one comic that's fine it would be enough with everything else I wish you the best of luck in moving.


As others have said real life comes first so sort your living predicament and any other problems that come up and then work on the comic; who knows maybe your luck will turn and u will be able to squeeze it out (i doubt it but optimism!). Honestly the fact that this has been going on and u have still been pumping out comics is down right impressive so take to heart that u are handling all of this really well


It's all right, we understand you, I myself have encountered so many about housing, but in Russia with the search for normal housing and for a good price, you have to try. And about the comics, it's okay, you already do comics almost every day. Life's problems are much more important. So we'll wait as long as you need. And as my father said: "We are not sugar, we will not melt."


Its ok TFS. Real life comes first


Thank you for approaching this with a level of professionalism and self discipline that is genuinely kind of concerning. Good luck on the shelter issues, I agree with you assessment that having a home should come before boobs.

Agent Eckswhy

Thank you for letting us know, TFS. I just worry for your sake; didn't you just have to do the same thing less than a year ago? Those landlords...


No Problem, please be well and safe.