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Hey guys! So as promised, even though we've gone below our $500 milestone due to a few people backing out at the last minute, I'll still be going through with the raffle for this month! So here's how it'll work!

What is the prize?:

As a fair few of you probably know by now, the prize will be either $50 worth of Steam games of your choice or a drawing tablet with s a similar budget to the $50 worth of steam games (This will be discussed further with the winner). However if you prefer PlayStation games, we can discuss that if you are the winner!


How it'll work:


Each of you will be given a number between 1 - 39 and then on Wednesday the 13th, at 20:00 BST, I'll run all your numbers through my RNG program and whoever's number gets selected will ultimately be the winner of the raffle! You don't have to be present for the stream, it's just to be as legit as possible in showing people I drew the numbers fairly. 

How will I receive my Prize?

If you wanted the steam prize, I'll contact you through Patreon and ask to add you on Steam, once we are friends, you can then tell me what games you'd like to buy, I'll then purchase those selected games and gift them to you directly through steam. If you do decide you want a drawing tablet, we'll discuss what type of tablet you'd like and come to an appropriate budget (I'm not made of money sorry ^_^) then once we've come to an agreement, I'll require a postal address so I can mail off your prize and I'll even include a congratulations message and maybe even a small drawing with the package ;)

How do I enter?:

To avoid inactive people and having to go through the whole process again because the winner didn't get back to me in time, please respond to this post requesting to join this event! I'll then issue your lucky number. I assume just under a week before the raffle begins will be plenty of time for everyone to respond to this post so best of luck!